Art Quarter 4

​This quarter I had played on following through with all of the plans Ms. Hull had for us. So I started on the first project- abstract. I googled abstract and saw this dart board kind of art piece. I liked it and thought I would do something like that. I picked out colored pencils that I liked and began the work. I made circles and circles until the whole paper was full. then I made lines from the middle point that made the circles all have sections. I began to color each section of one circle a different color. Then on the following circle I would color with the same pencils a different section. It took a long time to finish but I really like how it turned out. 

After that project I got this idea which became my second piece. Basically it is a broken teacup sitting on a broken plate in the middle of the paper. Surrounding the teacups I but song lyrics written in a steady pattern around the shape of the teacup. I used Mumford and Sons lyrics, for the words. 

Songs I Used:
Little Lion Man (In this song some of the lyrics are not school appropriate so I changed them to be more appropriate.)
White Blank Page
I Gave You All

Thistle and Weeds
