El Alfabeto y mas

Hello, today we are going to learn the most basic piece of the spanish language.  Can anyone guess. That's right the alphabet.  In spanish, though, it is pronounced "El alfabeto."  It is actually very easy learn and it can be pretty fun.  Here are some really cool fun facts about the spanish language is , 
1. There are only 27 letters in the spanish language, where as there are only 26 in the english language.
2. Unlike the english alphabet, where all the letters are uppercase, all letters in the spanish alfabeto are lower-case letters
Here are the letters of the spanish language

a   (ah)                  i  (eee)                    p (peh)           x (equis)     

b   (beh)                j   (hota)                 q (cooo)         y ( eee griega)  

c   (seh)                 k  (kah)                   r (ereh)          z (seta)      

d   (deh)                l   (eleh)                  s  (eseh)         

e    (eh)                 m  (emeh)                t  (teh)

f    (efeh)               n   (eneh)                u  (oooo)

g    (hey)                ñ  (enyeh)               v  (beh)

h    (acheh)            o    (o)                     w (doble ve)

Something that most people looking at this list would notice is that the "v" in the spanish alfabeto is pronounced the same as the "b".  Thank you for listening to this wonderful lesson on the spanish alfabeto.
Here is the link to a video I made: ¡El alfabeto! | Xtranormal
