Emma Hersh - What If? Benchmark

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I really liked the hypothetical part of this benchmark, it left a lot of room forcreativity. I enjoyed making my primary source documents and making up a different future for our country. The most challenging bit was in the beginning where we had to research and actually find a specific thing to change. Topic choice was definitely the most difficult thing for me. However, once I picked my topic, I was really interested by all of the different versions of the Selective Service Act and how each version changed after wars. I was also impressed that one person could change the the future, and I used specific people in the making of my primary source documents to change the future. It also seemed to me that the actions of individual people could change the actions of groups and systems of people. When systemic changes are made, more people are involved so more people pay attention. In my project I talked about a systemic change where they repeal the draft, then bring it back without warning for World War II and then discuss how the public is reacting. I was really interested how the decision of one person could change the next hundred years of a country's future. Not to mention what we didn't have time to talk about in this benchmark, which is how the actions of one country effect just about every other country in the world and would really change the way we live our lives today. While the multimedia portion of this project brought it together more, I think a simple display of the work and research we did would be enough. The multimedia part was one step too many. Similarly, if I could redo my process of this project I would definitely leave more time for the research and multimedia part of the benchmark. They were the most time consuming  
whereas making the primary sources was fun relatively straightforward. 
