Final Perspective Drawing

One thing I learned in this whole experience is how to draw using a vanishing point. With this tool in hand I was able to make my pictures look 3d which was a really amazing thing to learn. Learning this has helped make my drawing overall better because I allowed more symmetry to flow in my drawing as all the objects in my room didn't just look like objects but more like pieces of place giving the whole drawing more complexity. If I were to do this assignment again I would definitely take more time to draw each object out so that I would have more detail and an overall better piece of art. Some advice I would give to someone who has never drawn in one point perspective is to always measure things out so that things look more concise and well plotted. The resource that helped me out the most was my peers. Each one of us had our own weaknesses and strengths while drawing but when working together we were able to get the best of both worlds. This was especially shown while I was attempting to draw a table and couldn't get it to come out right but with help from my peers I was able to overcome the obstacle
