Final Perspective Drawing-Blue stream-2013-perspective

A. What is one thing that your learned specifically that you did not know before.

This project, like every other project at SLA, was a learning experience. One thing that I learned that I found interesting is the concept of one point perspective drawings. Before that assignment, I never even knew something like that existed.

B. How did leaning this thing make your drawings better.

It made my drawing and my overall artistic skills better by adding a flare to it. I'm not saying that i'm the best artist or even an intermediate, but because I've learned the skill of drawing in perspective I can make things come to life. 3D art is always interesting to look at, but knowing that I was the one behind the work of art makes me happy.

C. If you did this assignment again, what would you do differently?

Technically speaking, I have done this assignment twice, and speaking from experience it made it better. Now, I am not implying that it is perfect, but by redoing it I made it more professional.If I could do this assignment over, I would add more color and detail to it. 

D. What is your advice to someone who has never drawn a one point perspective drawing before?

My advice to someone who has never done it would be to follow all of the directions given (if there are any). Also to have every orthogonal line go to you vanishing point.

E. What resource helped you the most and why?
The resourced that helped me the most are my classmates, teacher and also the slideshow that was provided to aide me through the process.

Below is the picture of my final product! 
