Greta's Benchmark Reflection

​1. How does this project relate to the real world?
This project relates to the real world because this is how people might measure the height of a building to make estimates and stuff. I think they would use this in like the construction business to estimate the height of buildings and stuff. This could also be used for projects like we did in this class. You could also use it to measure the height of other things besides buildings like we did before to measure doors and lockers and things like that. The mirror method is really useful for measuring shorter things like that. The stick method is better for measuring taller things like my building. 

2. What was the most exciting portion of this project and why? What was the least exciting portion to this project and why?
The most exciting portion of the project was when we got to go outside and measure. I liked it because we weren't locked up in the math room being bored. It was pretty interactive and it gave us some freedom. Its good cause we are good kids so we dont do anything bad but we dont have to stay up in the class and be bored. The least exciting portion was doing the calculations and stuff cause thats just boring but it was useful that we got to do it in class so that we didnt have a lot of homework and stuff. 

3. What did you learn from completing this project?

From completing this project I learned a lot of things. I learned that the mirror method is the easiest but it also does not really work well for tall buildings like mine. I did it twice but both times the results were wrong and not even close so I had to do verification methods so that i could find out close to the right answers. I also learned that if i dont do my homework im not going to be caught up with what we are doing in class so i have to do it. 
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