Hola mi amigo!
There's an exchange student from a spanish speaking country, and you want to introduce yourself!
You need to know ......
- how to say hi/ start a conversation
- how to ask someone how they are
- pronunciation
- how to end a conversation
Saludos (greetings)
¿Qué tal? (kay-tal) What's up?
¿Cómo estás?(informal) (como-es-tas) How are you?
Muy bien, gracias. (muy-bee-in-gra-ci-as) Very good, thanks!
Ending a conversation
¡Adiós! (adi-os) Bye!
You need to know ......
- how to say hi/ start a conversation
- how to ask someone how they are
- pronunciation
- how to end a conversation
Saludos (greetings)
¡Hola! (oh-la) Hello!
¡Buenos días! (bwe-nose-d-as) Good morning!
¡Buenas tardes! (bwe-nas-tar-dez) Good afternoon!
¡Buenas noches! (bwe-nas-no-chez) Good evening!
Asking someone how they are/ mas saludos(more greetings)¿Qué tal? (kay-tal) What's up?
¿Cómo estás?(informal) (como-es-tas) How are you?
¿Cómo está?(formal) (como-es-ta) How are you?
Muy bien, gracias. (muy-bee-in-gra-ci-as) Very good, thanks!
Masomenos (mas-o-men-os) Alright.
(Muy) Mal (muy-mal) (Very) Terrible/Awful
Ending a conversation
¡Adiós! (adi-os) Bye!
¡Chao! (ch-ow) Bye!
¡Hasta luego! (asta-lu-egg-oh) See ya later!¡Hasta pronto! (asta-pron-toe) See ya soon!
¡Hasta mañana! (asta-man-ana) See ya tomorrow!
¡Qué le vaya bien! (kay-le-va-ya-bee-in) Have a good one!
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