Kenyatta's Negative Space Drawing

A. Negative space is the space between an object, and not the actual object. When dealing with negative space, you always draw the actual space around the object but not the object itself.

B. The way I found negative space in my stool drawing, was I just looked around the stool, and drew all of the empty space surrounding it. The way I saw negative space in my cut out was, I looked at how the cut out had the 2 different colors, and saw how the cut out showed the space that was actually between the cut out.

C. The reason it helps an artist to see in negative space, is it allows them to see every single detail not only in the thing they want to draw, but also around it, causing you to be able to see every single detail.

D.I believe seeing in negative space does enhance a drawing. With seeing in negative space, you see things in a different perspective and are able to see every single detail of a drawing.

