Keystone Pipeline Monologues

          In my World History class, we have been learning about big world issues and how they affect certain people and different environments. The Keystone Pipeline is something we are currently talking about. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the keystone pipeline and the controversy surrounding, it is basically a Pipeline that the United States government is trying to run from the Tarsands in Canada to the oil reserves in Texas. There are a lot of people who are pro Pipeline because they believe it is a resourceful way to save money, and a lot of people are con Pipeline because they believe the long term affects will ruin the ecosystem. This lesson was all about getting in the heads several different people with several different points of view and seeing how they think. As you go on, you will read 3 monologues I have written about the Keystone Pipeline, I was able to place myself in different characters minds and write on how the Pipeline would affect them personally. I hope by the end you will be able to do the same. Enjoy :)
Monologue # 1. GoodBye Ranch.

    What is it son? ..Slow down, slow down. They’re what? Who told you..? Okay, okay, daddy will take care of it. Now go get your sister from the barn its almost grazing time.
(Big Mac turns his bag on the little boy, and starts pacing around.. he turns around suddenly..)
I said i’ll take care of it, Oh.. sorry i thought you were, T-bone.. No no, everything is fine.. (listens to the wife, puts his hooves up to his face) I’m telling you nothings wrong. Why do you keep trying to press the issue. There is absolutely nothing going on, that I can’t take care of. They call me Big Mac for a reason, I handles the issues, it’s fine.. (Big Mac sighs and motions towards Cleo to have a seat,You know me too well.. Sit Down, we dont have much time to talk.. the kids will be back soon to graze. T-bone came in here not too long ago and said he overheard the farmer talking about a trade.. Honey, no no shhh.. shhh, its okay its okay.. (Big Mac puts his head in his hooves) Dammit Cleo i’m going to need you to get a grip. We can’t let the kids see us getting worked up, they’ll get scared.

The Farmer is thinking of selling us.. because he wants to sell the land, to the government ofcourse, so they can build some dipthe vine or something or other, something like that..Yea, yes! That! A Pipeline.. whatever in Sams Hell that is. How’d you know? I should’ve known the hens overheard something. They’re always sticking their feathers in places that it has no business in. we’ll take care of it dont worry. (Big Mac sighs and moves to the fare left hand side of the stage.. he looks out into the pasture.)
