March 3/30

Six word story

Social life sucks....not worth it...


Today, was a crappy day. Today was a painful day. This morning it took me 2 hours to pull myself out of bed because I was so weak and tired, I could barely sit up. I managed to get up, get dressed and started off to school. On the way, mom and I hit every red light, ran into 2 road blocks, and I ended up using all of my stamina to stay awake. I knew it wasn't going to be a good day. I got to school at 11. I went up to A band. Didn't see my group, so I ran around like crazy looking for them. I found them in a different room, I was not happy. I sat in the class, quietly (still trying to keep my eyes open). I went to B band, and had to hear about how the fight that ensued yesterday, got worse. I started feeling sick again, so I asked to go to the office. I spent that whole time crying! Crying! Without so much as a "What's up?" or "Kimmi, are you ok?" from anyone. Zoe was the one who talked to me (my friends would too, but they were in class). I finally go downstairs to meet everyone...I got to Zack, who hugged me...and I broke down in his arms.  I was a wreck. I hated today, because I realized how big a mess I really was.

On the way home, I found out that only...2 people knew that I was actually in "the fight". The person who was on the same side as me, and the person who we were "fighting" with. At that moment, I felt like I was back in middle school, where no one listened to me, or cared if I was there, unless...I screwed up greatly.

Now, I didn't use names, nor did I write this to call anyone out. I just needed some sort of outlet in hopes that maybe someone would listen...

So If you read this, and you know about "the fight", calm down, it wasn't a hit on you, it was my way of blowing off steam...
