Rosales Othello Journals

Journal #1

That Cassio loves her, I do well believe ’t.

That she loves him, ’tis apt and of great credit.

Iago is sure that Cassio and Desdemona love each other.

The Moor, howbeit that I endure him not,

Is of a constant, loving, noble nature,

And I dare think he’ll prove to Desdemona

A most dear husband. Now, I do love her too,

Not out of absolute lust—though peradventure

I stand accountant for as great a sin—

But partly led to diet my revenge,

For that I do suspect the lusty Moor

Hath leaped into my seat. The thought whereof

Doth, like a poisonous mineral, gnaw my inwards,

And nothing can or shall content my soul

Till I am evened with him, wife for wife.

Iago won't give up until he can get revenge on the Moor.

Or, failing so, yet that I put the Moor

At least into a jealousy so strong

Another plan of Iagos, is to make Othello feel so much rage that it clouds his judgement.

That judgment cannot cure. Which thing to do,

If this poor trash of Venice, whom I trace

Iago apparently does not give a shit about Roderigo.

For his quick hunting, stand the putting on,

I’ll have our Michael Cassio on the hip,

Abuse him to the Moor in the right garb

(For I fear Cassio with my night-cape too)

Make the Moor thank me, love me, and reward me

Iago wants to trick the Moor into favoring him, so that he can proceed with his plans.

For making him egregiously an ass

And practicing upon his peace and quiet

Even to madness. 'Tis here, but yet confused.

Knavery’s plain face is never seen till used.

Journal #2

Cassio-Act 2 Scene 3

Cassio and Iago have a drink even though Cassio can't hold his well. Cassio gets drunk quickly, maybe after two glasses of meed, or wine. Iago then forces Roderigo to fight Cassio, and since Cassio is drunk, he does not know what is happening. After beating up Roderigo, Iago calls for help and Othello comes in. Othello then sees all of what happened, and can't believe that Cassio would do such acts of hatred. Since Iago's nickname is Honest Iago, Othello relies on Iago to tell the truth on what happened. Iago plays his cards well and then Cassio realizes that his life, and all the power he has built up, collapsed right in front of his face. Iago then tells Cassio that interacting with and, talking to Desdemonia can fix his trouble. This is just a lie and Iago is pulling Cassio right into his trap. Honest Iago does not seem very honest after all. Also the fight between Cassio and Roderigo gave Roderigo the reason to attack Cassio with his sword when Iago told him to later in the play. 

Journal #3

Cassio was always a persistent but nice person. However he was not nice to his enemies, slain by the sword they were. The battles he faced were only his calling for a greater role. Cassio was put under Othello's command and improved as a warrior. Othello noticed that Cassio had potential and decided to take him under his wing. Once after a battle, Othello took Cassio out to a pub. Cassio soon found out that he could not hold his alcohol well. Cassio had many great talents but drinking was not one of them. Slowly as Cassio rose through the ranks, Othello started to like him more and more. Othello had to decide who to promote to General and he could not decide between Cassio and Iago. Othello remembered that Cassio fights very well and decided to make him General. Cassio went farther in life than he ever thought he could. But someone else wanted Cassio’s position and Cassio knew nothing.

Journal #4

My character is Cassio who is a General in Othello's army. He is a powerful man who likes to have his orders followed. He probably has great posture and his back is straight. He speaks forcefully, and clearly but with emotion. I expect him to be drinking in the scene and Iago knows that he has very poor and unhappy brains for drinking. He could be drinking wine or maybe meed. Wine is hard to find but meed is very easy to make. so meed would be more likely to be drunk. Even though Cassio is a General and I'm guessing he is rich, he would drink meed because, he is a man of the people. Cassio carries himself with great power, and people probably feel his presence in the room because he is General. Of course Cassio has an alcohol problem, and thus will get drunk, and fall into Iago's trap.

Post Journal

Reputation, Reputation, Reputation! O, I have lost my reputation! I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains is bestial. My reputation, Iago, my reputation!

This quote is said by Michael Cassio, and is said after the fight between Cassio, and Roderigo. Iago calls for help, and Othello, and his attendants run into the bar, or place where Cassio, and Iago were drinking.  Othello calls to Iago, and asks him what happened, because everyone calls Iago, Honest Iago. Iago then exaggerates his feelings for Cassio and says something similar to, “I could not talk against Michael Cassio but if I need to tell what happened my Lord.” Iago then tells that Cassio got into a fight because he was drunk and it was an accident. Othello listens, and Cassio is worried about his rank, and the reputation he is losing because of this incident. Iago then tells Cassio to visit Desdemonia to gain back what he once lost, which of course is a trap and will lead to Cassio’s demise. This is what Iago wants to happen, so that he can become General and get Othello for fucking his Emilia. All of the characters are part of Iago’s plan of power and they do not even know it.
