Sabrina Stewart-McDonald Marking Period One

            In art class, we’ve been talking about how much plastic we use that isn’t recycled and how much plastic animals and humans eat. This made me think about how much paper fish must eat, seeing as paper is used more if not equally as much as plastic. Just simply walking on the street, I have seen newspapers, candy wrappers and other things on the ground and near the sewers.

            I decided to do a seascape. I decided to use a seascape because our oceans are affected severely.  I cut patterns from magazines into fish shapes, all different shapes and sizes. I decided to use magazine cut-outs to symbolize the paper that makes its way to the ocean, I cut the cut-outs into fish shapes to show that the fish consume what makes its way into the ocean. I cut them into all shapes and sizes to show that just as we are different so are fish; they have an identity just as we do.

            I usually don’t paint because I do not believe I am very good at it, but in this particular project I decided to paint to add a texture and opaque color to the newspaper. In health class, we were cutting images out of magazines to make a collage about ourselves. I decided to use an old Vogue magazine for my fish seeing as there is a lot of unique and creative patterns designers use in their clothing lines. I figured this could show so individuality in the fish I cut out. I also used newspaper print in a few of the fish to show that paper makes its way into the ocean.

Photo on 2010-11-05 at 15.35
Photo on 2010-11-05 at 15.35
