Sean Force's Works Cited

"Effects of Poverty, Hunger, and Homelessness on Children and Youth." Effects of Poverty, Hunger, and Homelessness on Children and Youth. Ferndale, n.d. Web. 14 Feb. 2013. <http:// APAEffectsofHomelessness.pdf>. This source lists a rather large list of parameters and categories that different children could fall into to be considered homeless. Then it goes on to list some potential influences that may end up leading to certain youths then becoming homeless youths and finally it lists some potential consequences for such youths either in the near future or later in their lives.

"Homeless Children: America's New Outcasts." Homeless Children: America's New Outcasts. National Center on Family Homelessness, n.d. Web. 14 Feb. 2013. <http:// ArchitecturePlanning/ discover/centers/CYE/Publications/ Documents/outcasts.pdf>. This is a pdf published out of the National Center on FamilyHomelessness, and it lists some common causes for youth homelessness and some things that result from being a homeless youth all of which have accompanying statistics. Then on top of that there are some more statistics about homeless youths in general.

Clouser, Leigh. "Child Homelessness In Philadelphia." Message to Leigh. Clouser. 19 Feb 2013. E-mail. This interview took much longer than I had originally expected it to take, I had emailed the organization and then after some time they sent me the name of one of the people that works there. This person got back to me extremely quickly, they have been working with the organization Standup for kids for a total of 4 years now and they have worked in two of the different offices that the organization has.  They talk about some of the problems related to Homelessness of children like those having to do with sexual orientation and informing their parents of this fact. 

"NRCPFC: Homeless Families and Child Welfare." NRCPFC: Homeless Families and Child Welfare. NRCPFC, 2012. Web. 14 Feb. 2013. < homeless-families-and-child-welfare.html>. This is another one of those sites that lists a lot of pdf's that you can go and download so that your average person could go and find more out about the issue of youth homelessness in the country. Also it has some brief explanations of where those pdf's would take you and what they would tell the reader.

Quarels, Alfred. "Office of Specialized Services." Homeless Children's Initiative. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Feb. 2013. <http:// homeless-initiative>. This source lists a whole bunch of options and programs that the city has put into place in order to help homeless children go to school and get the things that they need to do well in school. Also It has some things that they can do after  school to help get an edge of sorts and to help them feel like they are actually doing something in the world.

"StandUp For Kids in the News." StandUp For Kids. N.p., 2012. Web. 14 Feb. 2013. <>.

This page has a whole host of information about some different programs and organizations related to the subject of youth homelessness. However this page is primarily being used for the picture in the right column that contains a large number of statistics about LGBT homeless youths.
