Take A New Look


Zoe Strauss Billboard Project: Billboard #46 - Take A New Look
Location: 15th and Vine - Philadelphia, PA

    We chose to create a film inspired by this particular billboard because the visuals and text of this billboard are very layered in the meanings that they hold, based on our interpretations. We found this billboard interesting because it lacks visual attractions and is very "plain." The message on the billboard is clear, "take a new look" and yet it is somewhat mysterious as to what it means. From the billboard, we were able to draw many conclusions to the meaning and purpose of the billboard. From our developing interpretations and understandings of the billboard, we were able to create a script and film based off of our interpretations.

Created By: Fangda Luo & Matthew Scuderi

Town, People, Flow of Time - Clannad (Anime) OST
Roaring Tide - Clannad (Anime) OST


    Take A New Look was filmed in center city Philadelphia, PA, in which a nameless teenager walks us though his view of the city. He is represented as the red line of the billboard in this film as well as his "single minded-view" of the city. His disposition of being forced into a high academic school by his parent leads him to hate the city that he lives in. Throughout the film, he presents his “single view” to the audience and later reveals his new view of the city. The entire time, we see the city through his eyes and hear his thoughts, until he finally tells of how he can see things differently in the end.  

Zoe Strauss’ billboard, Take A New Look, has inspired this film and it’s storyline. We chose to make the film based off of our interpretation of the billboard, since we were assigned the project in digital video class. While the film is inspired by the billboard and demonstrates our interpretation of the billboard, the film is also inspired by the main character of the anime Clannad.

Interpretations and Connections from the Billboard to the Film:
    The billboard is very abstract and lacks color for a reason. We believe that the gray area that surrounds the "plain" red line represents a sort of emptiness or lack of perspective. The red line, we believe, is a single view/perspective of someone that runs into the painted over text that reads, "take a new look." From this, we were able to build many more interpretations of the billboard and we used various aspects of its message and features to write a story, script, and screenplay to go with an original film that we crafted. Other things that we interpreted and connected to our story are as follows:

- The gray area that surrounds the red line and fills most of the billboard: Plainness, emptiness, and loneliness that the character (represented as the red line) faces. The gray is also a representation of the city, which is mostly "gray" with concrete and shadows from buildings. The gray also inspired us to film on a cloudy and dreary day to reflect the city as a sad and depressing place.

- The text says literally what the dark blue paint that cover it says visually. "Take a new look" is the message of the billboard and this is used as our resolution in the film. The blue paint that covers the text is what makes the billboard abstract and different at this point because it marks the end of the red line (our interpretation as the character's old self and "single-minded view"). This paint also hides the text of the billboard and makes it hard to read at certain angles, which lead us to apply the theme of, "not everything is what it seems on the surface." The paint also represented the single perspective as well and how our minds are "clouded" with certain views as we ignore other views, hence the mention of ignorance in the film. Also, since the blue paint is all over the gray, which represents the city as well, the blue paint represents the changing city.

Important Film Features and Process Reflection:

    In our original five minute footage, we observed a cone in the lower center of the frame. We decided that the cone would be a major motif because the city is "changing" and therefore, "taking a new look." In just about scene we went to shoot, there happened to be a cone or cones in the shot without us having to place them there. Weather on the days we filmed was in favor of the shots we needed. There was one day that it was really hazy and cloudy that we used for "ugly" shots or shots of "ugly" and construction stuff and for a few days, it was really nice, which we used for "beautiful" shots. In the beginning of the film there is panning with red lines of the character's jacket, which happened to be my (Matthew) personal jacket that I wear to school a lot. We used the lines of the jacket to represent connection to the billboard and that the character is represented as the red line on the billboard. Since there are two red lines on the character's jacket and he is at first talking about how his view of the city changed, which represent his old and new view of the city and life in the city he once hated. Another element that we used in our film is traffic signs to represent changes, confusion (the shot of the one way and stop sign together), and direction of the character's life (detour).  

Special Thanks:
- Zoe Strauss (For having this billboard placed in the city.)
- Mr. Herman (For assigning this project, providing us with necessary equipment, advising, and making suggestions.)
- Anna Roman (Quick shot.)

Comments (1)

Matthew Scuderi (Student 2012)
Matthew Scuderi

We forgot to indicate this in the credits, but I was the main script writer. The script in the film, what I recorded, is rearranged and some sentences were improvised, added, or rephrased when recording. We really enjoyed making this film. I specialized in script, Fangda specialized in editing, and we both specialized in camera work. I was recently at the site of the billboard and it was just taken down, so this project was done at just the right time. Thanks again for all who have viewed this film and thank you for any and all comments!