The McZeel

Our Product is the Mczeel. The McZeel is a burger that acts and basically is an upper that puts people in better more active moods. Our message is that people should really stop being inactive and becoming fat and they should get up and run or get the energy t do things by eating right. The intended audience are people who basically give up and say that they can't. The McZeel helps people learn that they can do it with the right motivation. It's meant for obese people as well who believe that they don't have the motivation to get up on their feet and work off the fat. I believe that the upbeat tempo gathers people's attention and the active commercial is meant to see the effectives of just one bite as the kid goes from depression to active, happy and running. I would change the shots and gather more video showing scenes of before and after of the main character and how the McZeel has changed his life. 

Comments (1)

Matthew Scuderi (Student 2012)
Matthew Scuderi

This is very comical guys! I though the beginning walk towards Joe and talking about the McZeel to him was kind of strange and could have been covered with a voice over or something, like some random voice talking to Joe and then a burger appearing. The ad becomes confusing when Joe is handed a coffee as well, it seems like you are advertising McDonalds all together as good and energizing food rather than bad for you, but that may be the purpose of your ad, but either way, the ad does say it is for the McZeel and not the McZeel and coffee. I think the running stuff would have sufficed for the commercial, advertising a energizing burger or coffee. Great idea and ad, I found the run funny, but the second one in the ad was like Joe standing somewhere and then running again after you (Rob) said "Go." I wish I could see another version of this commercial because it was really awesome.