Natasha Ashby Public Feed
Immigrant Success Stories - Global Benchmark 4
I found that trying to find high school immigrants was the most challenging. I realized that as we were finally finding people to write about, they all turned out to be Vietnamese. However, they all had very different background stories with one central theme which was to come to the U.S. and receive an education. They all did and they took advantage of the opportunities at hand. It was also pretty challenging trying to tell the stories without being boring.
The idea actually came from one of my friends. However, pursuing the idea was fairly interesting. We contacted one of our fiends who gave us ALL the information we needed in order to create this project. Turns out a lot of her friends are immigrants as she is and so we had our interviewees already found before hand. There were quite a few students within the schools with similar stories but we really wanted to venture outside of that and lucked out with finding to very amazing and accomplished students.
I do not know if this story will get more attention over the next few months just because it has yet to get attention already. I hope it does because a lot of these kids came from nothing, they left their whole families and managed to do great things out here. From this whole process, I learned that we are really fortunate to have been born in the US surrounded by all these opportunities. However, for students who immigrated here, they weren't. They had to work extremely hard to learn our language and get used to this culture in order to make it within this society. Even in 2012, immigrants are still fighting to make their mark here. These students came from nothing and are motivated more than ever to succeed.
Malaysia vs. Slovakia - 5 point framework
For my quarter 3 Globalization Benchmark we had to use Jared Diamond "Collapse" 5 point frame work in order to asses the collapsibility of 2 countries; one that we focused on for an election project and one other that we chose. I compared Malaysia, located in Southeast Asia and Slovakia, located in Europe.
My process was all over the place for this project. I had a lot of different ideas when approaching what I wanted to do. I started out with the website, where I posted all of my information for Malaysia. By doing that, it made the process towards comparing them easier since half of the project was pretty much finished. I ended up making anorexic since I was much more familiar with that than iWeb. Also, I didn't want to have to depend on Dropbox. Creating the prezi was fairly easy. Trying to be as creative as possible was hard. I didn't just want to lay out my information, I wanted to make it a bit more interactive like with pictures and links that will take people to websites full of additional information.
My overall presentation for my project went well. I liked the way I was able to compare the similarities and differences of each of the countries. I was a little hesitant about using prezi, however I am proud of the way I could tell the audience what was happening and definitely have them understand what's going on.
Trying to find all the information I needed was SO hard. Most of the time I did not find anything. Working around that was really difficult just because I was kind stuck between a rock and a hard place tryin to find more information on my coutries. Something else I didn't know go as planned were the urls for my extended sources. I did not know how to embed them into my prezi do when looking at my information, there are these long urls that aren't so appealing.
I guess I would change the way I approached the project. I went in thinking "oh, I'll just google their hostile neighbors and all the information should pop up." But that did not happen, so getting around that made things harder. Next time, I would definitely keep an open mind when it comes to research and look for more outside sources in order to find the information I need to create an informative project.
David Ashmare Jr. Reflection
- What suggestions would you make in order to improve this project for next time?
- What advice would you give yourself (or someone else) to be successful for the next project?
This project gave you some guidelines, and then set you free to learn anatomy, be creative, and manage your own time. Finish the following sentences:
- The thing about this kind of learning that works best for me is….
- The thing about this kind of learning that is a challenge for me is...
I liked the whole general idea of the project. I've never had one or encountered one like this. We had to basically raise a baby. I think one way to improve the project, is to not have healthy babies. That's so normal and boring. My baby had PKU. I never even heard of PKU before this project. It taught me a lot about how people with this disease have to live a different life. They have to be on a strict diet or they would be at risk. With more out of the box diseases and disorders, I think it will make things more interesting.
The advice I would give someone else would be to choose their partner wisely. I know, I'm a senior and I'm still having trouble with choosing my partner over my friends. They also shouldn't assume that someone will get their work done. It would just be smooth sailing if one chooses someone who is reliable, hard working because they project isn't that hard, unless you make it difficult. I would definitely take my own advice next time. I love my partner as a friend, but when working, I should know by now how I work and how she works and it just didn't work out as well as I imagined.
The thing about this kind of learning that works best for me is the fact that it teaches me to be independent. I rely less on being told exactly what to do step by step. This is something I have to continue improving at because in college I'm pretty sure I'm going to encounter this type of learning. However, something that was a challenge for me was turning my creative hat on. I'm not creative at all. I like being told that teachers want the work to look like this or have this certain type of information because then I don't have to think outside the box. It's all right there in front of me, which is how I prefer to learn because then I know I can put in 110% of my effort into making sure that the work I turn in is what the teacher asked and then some.
Nashby's World of 100 Analysis!
Continents- I was pretty close when it came to the class averages, however for certain continents like North America and Asia, I was really off. I expected that out of 100 people more people would be from different continents, and that it would be more spread out and diverse but that's not the case. I know that more people would be from Asia, but not as significant as the correct answer portrays.
I was most accurate when it came to languages because I figured that most of the people would speak chinese just because of the size of Asia. I also figured that a majority of the people would speak languages that were not listed. The world is a big place and there were only ten languages presented to me, so if the one hundred people were to be diverse, they would speak a variety of languages. I was most inaccurate when it came to religion, I think. Most likely because I figured a vast majority of the people would be Christian. I went in with a naive mindset and ignored the rest of the religions. I was most shocked with the continents. First being, that the least amount of people would be coming from North America. I'm not sure why, perhaps because North America isn't as large as the other continents listed. Canada and the US are the only two countries while the rest of the continents have several countries with thousands of cities! I was pretty on spot with a majority of my predictions because I went in with an open mind.
Lobbying Blog Post #5
In my final blog post, I would like to get in contact with Mayor Nutter because although I tweeted him, facebooked him and ichatted him, he did not respond. So, I want to make a trip down to perhaps his office and set up an appointment with him in order to talk about bike paths in Philadelphia and where they are going with it. By making this effort toward talking to him, I can really make progress with lobbying for more bike paths because Philadelphia really needs them. Mayor Nutter would be the man to put the final say on whether or not it will happen and how it will happen .
Q2 AmGov 4th Amendment Cspan PROJECT
I chose this topic because when I was looking for topics, this one stuck out to me. It interests me because it actually affected me personally. From the beginning, I wanted my topic to have something to do with high schools students, considering that is what I am. When I saw this topic and looked at the amendments, I knew that this was going to be it!
I think the most challenging thing was getting the answers we wanted from people's interviews. We expected people to say certain things that they did not say and some were not as useful as we hoped. Therefore, it was becoming challenging for us to try and convey the message that we were intending for the audience to get from the video. It was also challenging to get interviews, in general. At Ben Franklin, we weren't allowed to film some interviews because the principal would need parental consent. THEN we couldn't even find enough Cspan footage! I honestly don't know how they don't have more useful footage about the 4th amendment and high schools because it is an important issue that all students should be aware of.
The most interesting event that I investigated had to be the metal detectors. SLA does not have any and are the only public high school in philadelphia to not have any. I went to Central High School and had to go through metal detectors as a freshman. I was confused and scared because I honestly didn't think that one of the best schools in Philadelphia would have their students going through metal detectors, as if we're at an airport, in which TSA has tightened their security checks due to a terrorist attack. When I went to Ben Franklin and interviewed students about their thoughts of it, it was interesting to hear different opinions. Some students didn't think much of the metal detectors while others felt violated. SLA is so different from other high schools. I thought it was just based on the way we learn but it really isn't.
We could improve this project by definitely getting an interview with Mr. Lehmann and by using outside videos. There was not much CSPAN footage of our amendment at all pertaining to our topic so if we could use other educational videos in our project, it would be better. Besides that, I really enjoyed the project and my partners. We all brainstormed a lot of ideas and really put together a list of good interview questions, so that we could find what we were looking for. I learned a lot about the 4th amendment and how metal detectors could violate that right, but it all depends on the person. If SLA were to get metal detectors and have random searches, it would change the whole vibe of the school. While as, in Ben Franklin, Principal Johnson would rather have them, in order to keep his students safe so that he does not have to make "that" phone call. That is not saying that SLA is not safe, because it is the only school I actually feel safe in.
Lobbying Blog Post #4
It is time we start focusing on contacting and connecting with our representative to start making progress, because during this season is the perfect time to advance in getting more bike paths. People are only focused on certain types of transportation such as cars or buses. However, there are many people who are still biking in the cold and need their own space. By working with the bicycle coalition and staying updated with their progress, we would definitely see where they are taking this issue.
It would be much easier to speak directly with Mayor Nutter about this issue.
FAFSA!! - You're Welcome.
To make things easier, we split up the applying process into two parts: electronic application and paper application. Fafsa is free and is for anyone looking to apply for financial aid. For Fafsa, Uyen and I decided to fill out the paper application, seeing as though we could not yet access the online version. The application was pretty straight forward and was extremely similar to the CSS form that I had to fill out for Ithaca College. Some colleges require it, while others don't. Because I had filled out that CSS form, filling out the Fafsa form was pretty easy. They asked te same questions that were based around my education, birth, and my parents tax forms. With these materials at hand, I just followed the questions and directions as best to my ability. The questions are not difficult to where you would not understand what they are asking but if I did not, I just asked my dad since he was more familiar with how tax reports are supposed to be read.
If I were to change one thing about the bureaucratic process that we flowcharted, I would probably break down each step a bit more. Even though the flowchart gets to the point and is informative, some people may not understand it like we did. By adding more steps and information, it may be easier for the applicant to understand exactly what they need. For instance, we listed the materials at the top. If I were to change it I would go through the paper form again and at each primary step, mention that you will need this form, or you will need that form before you move on. That way, the applicant will not get lost in the process towards completing their application. I would not change much about the flowchart. We have different colors that distinguish each part of the process and arrows that take the applicant through each step.
I do not think that it became complicated, I think that people made it more complicated then it actually was. Fafsa does not require much. It's simple if you have all the necessary materials and understand how it is supposed to be completed. Uyen and I did not have much trouble completing the application and although it does require much attention, as long as you are able to read and follow directions, the process would not be difficult. For any application, before it should be completed. However, people should know ahead of time that FAFSA is just like the free/reduced lunch at school. The less income your family receives, the more financial aid you are eligible for. Sure, everyone is technically eligible, but you are not guaranteed an immense amount of money unless you are truly needy.
I liked this project. I would have rather been able to be a bit more creative with my final piece. I felt as though the whole idea of a flow chart had already been done and if we were to present these to SLA students, then we should use SLA styles toward creating our creative pieces. They could have been several ways to go about the process. Also, flow chart was being difficult at times, to a point where I would had rather draw my flow chart than use the online tool. Overall, being able to pick a topic that could definitely help me and my fellow classmates in the future was extremely helpful. I now know the steps towards completing one of the most important forms before I go to college and I know complete it correctly.
Bike Paths FTW! Lobbying Post #3
This is a good year for my issue just because people are becoming aware of the issue at hand at a much quicker rate than before. Many philadelphians bike and it is crucial that more bike paths be placed within the city. As I mentioned in my first blog post, Philadelphia is the 2nd biggest city full of bikers. Because of people and organizations like the Bicycle Coalition and Councilman William Greenlee, the idea of more bike paths is making head way.
"We think it looks fabulous, and it has been a big hit with cyclists, who have been using it daily to lock up while running errands and visiting Center City businesses. We want to make this rack permanent! (Although we're not sure of the exact location--that needs to be worked out with the Parking Authority)."
"Bicyclists like bike lanes, and they like buffered bike lanes even better. The Bicycle Coalition’s counts found streets with bike lanes had more cyclists than streets without them, and had more growth in bicyclists than streets without bike lanes.They also have more female bicyclists, less sidewalk riding, less wrong way riding, and more cyclists wearing helmets than streets without bike lanes. The buffered bike lanes had the same result, but even more amplified. These results confirm that better behavior goes hand in hand with better bicycling facilities. Facilities like buffered bike lanes make bicyclists feel safer."
November 3rd, 2011 - Councilman Greenlee became active with the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia. While at the assembly questions were asked and answered by both parties. There were many issues surrounding biking issues and how to fix them.
Key question: "Would you support the installation of innovative infrastructure such as buffered bike lanes, like those on Spruce and Pine, on a select number of streets to create a citywide bicycle network that is safe and inviting to ride for those from age 8 to 80?."
This question is important because it touches on what my lobbying topic is all about. There needs to be more safer ways for citizens of all ages to commute throughout the city. Greenlee said that he "supports bike lanes when they are safe and where communities are directly involved in the process. I believe there are streets where bike lanes are not safe for bikers, pedestrians and drivers."
Bicycling Coalition Questionnaire with Bill Greenlee
Extra Credit Election Day Voting!
No Child Left Behind Act
I chose the "No Child Left Behind Act" because it was one of the few acts that was actually familiar to me. I was reading through the lists and nothing was standing out to me until I saw this. I quickly read about it and realized this is what I want to write about. It is an extraordinary bill that involves everyone. Not everyone learns the same, or at the same speed. No child should be penalized for something they cannot control. They should be encouraged and pushed so that each individual in our Nation has the potential to be an important piece to the puzzle. Speaking of puzzle, I was not sure how to present my information. I wanted a way in which it will be easy to understand what I am explaining. I first decided on gathering together puzzle pieces and showing the entire process, but I wanted something more interesting, something that I will be able to show more than a timeline. A PREZI it was, which I might add is extremely informative, colorful and grabs the viewers attention. I have worked with prezis in the past so I was already familiar with the format, which made the project a little bit easier. However, some aspects were not as easy. It was challenging coming up with the correct information. I was not finding false information, but I could not find enough information. I was looking for timelines and could not find any. The timeline format that I have in my presentation, I put together. I spent a lot of time reading and making sure I was understanding the whole process. The law was not thought of out of thin air. It began almost 50 years prior to when President Bush signed it. Besides that, I did not encounter many problems within my project. Since I did not have to overcome that may problems, I would not change my process, nor my final product. I am very pleased with the outcome. If I had to change it, I would probably make a video. It is a little more interactive and consist of more than just a bunch of information being thrown at you. Since this law was just a reauthorized version of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, it did not tell much about about the process from becoming a bill to a law. I just found out about how President Bush wanted to express his opinions on the education system. These are the children of the future. They have to be educated and be pushed to overcome any obstacle thrown their way and being able to showcase all of that through my project was not as hard as I thought it would be. I had to take in a lot of information and back track nearly 50 years to the core of the whole idea. I am glad I did, and I learned about the past, present and future of the children in our society.
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Be Concise Be Visual Be Smarter Be Transparent Be Different Be Accurate Be Attractive Be Varied Be Gracious Be Creative Objectivamente Subjectivamente Este pintura me recuerda cuando yo, Silvana y Machuca estaban en Shanktytown, cual esta para la clase baja y las personas de pocos recursos, cerca del agua. Nos sentábamos allí, hablábamos y nos divirtamos. Había comprado leche condensada para mi madre después de un manifestación. Silvana tomó una roca y la abrió. Ella bebió alguno y después me besó. Tiempo comenzado a mover tan lento. Nunca he besado una muchacha antes y la sensación de la leche que iba de su boca la mía. Era increíble. El animal que está en el suelo en el centro representa el artista o alguien que están cercanos a él pero está no más cerca por diversas razones. El tiempo está de la esencia. Dependiendo de qué está sucediendo en su vida puede tener una influencia en lo que se pinta. Si podría pintar un cuadro de mi vida sería diferente. Sería oscuro al principio y hacia adelante consiga más brillante porque mi vida era oscura. Los hombres extraños me darían y mis regalos y mi madre los harían los favores. He encontrado algún otro para distraerme. Machuca es diferente y me gusta que él es diferente. Venimos de diversos mundos pero podemos divertirnos junto. Este cuadro hace que siente triste porque es el contrario con de lo que estoy pasando. Parece haber la tensión entre lo que él quiere y qué está sucediendo realmente. En la parte posterior, las montañas de oro representan la costa de oro de California. Salvador Dali vivió en California y esta pintura es lo que él ve a través sus ojos. El tema es sobre tiempo. De los relojes del fusión a la salida del sol distante. En la tierra hay piel animal que era muerta. Las hormigas representan el tiempo que ha pasado. Conclusión El artista debe sentir como tiempo va por lento y su vida lo está pasando cerca. El brillo en el fondo podría representar lo que él quiere. Él quiere para irse y ser feliz. No es como él se rendí, apenas intentando conseguir en alguna parte mejor. Estoy de acuerdo con la pintura porque la gente pasa toda la vida de vivir hasta las expectativas de la otra gente y siendo dicho qué a hacer. ¡Olvide eso! Esté libre. Como mi sacerdote, el Padre McEnroe, predicó, se respeta siempre. Él era un hombre igualitaria y muy sabio. Reflection: because we felt we could really present this topic in a memorable way. As soon as we were given the option of partnering up, the idea of putting on a performance instantly popped into my head. I felt as though we could tell the story better this way and get the audience engaged in what we were trying to present to them. Although we ended up changing our idea. We decided upon a website and since Aaron was already pretty skilled with Tumblr, we used that to host our information/project. We worked well together but trying to find a way to make the Tumblr interesting was kind of difficult for us. We did not just want a website with information but something different. I would add more sources and most likely pursue the performance idea. I learned about segregation in schools and like not just the regular blacks and whites separated but statistics as well. The amount of lynching due to integration, how people literally refused to go to school. It was a whole new level of racism and hatred yet included inspirational stories of survival and perseverance. La película "Mar Adentro" se trata de la vida de Ramón Sanpedro quien es un tetraplejicó, luchar para la derecho de quitarse su vida con la dignidad. Cuando el tenia veinte anos, el lo hirieron seriamente durante un buceo accidente. Así que, por veintiocho años, el solamente podria moverser su cabeza y su cuello. Un tetraplejíco, es paralizado totalmente debajo del cuello. La película está tomando la audiencia en un viaje en su vida. Julia, su abogada, que está sufriendo de una enfermedad está intentando ayudarle a ganar su caso. Rosa, quien habla con el radio, envidia lo que está haciendo Ramón. Ella cae en amor con él también y le ayuda eventual a satisfacer sus deseos. Hace la pregunta de si el suicidio ayudado es aceptable o no. Eutanasia es un tema polémico en su uno mismo. ¿Viviría bastante mi vida en un cuarto o moriría con mi dignidad? ¿Cómo es quitarse la vida, muere con la dignidad? Muchas preguntas se hacen en esta película acerca del tema del suicidio ayudado y de la eutanasia. Para mi estoy de acuerdo con su decisión porque si yo sé no puedo contribuye a la sociedad, o vive una vida normal, después no querría vivir. Respeto su decisión y si le conociera respetaría sus deseos también. Por un lado es como una historia de amor. Dos mujeres caen en amor con un hombre que puede solamente darles amor emocional. Por otro lado es una tragedia porque su familia estaba contra él que moría. Después de que todos lo que han hecho para él, no entendían porqué él no cambiaría su decisión. Su historia es fascinadora. Para poder manejar la presión de dice su historia y de luchar para su derecha. Conmovedora y aplaudo al director para poder retratar la historia en una manera interesante. Me fascinó de la película porque yo entiendo que el quiere morir pero sus seres queriodos realmente cuidado para el. Él no es la única persona que tiene quiso nunca morir. Muchas personas con discapacidades sienten como si sería mejor morir que vivir. Él luchó para sus derechas y sus deseos fueron concedidos. En mi opinion, si usted ayuda a matar alguien, es un crimen. No importa de si quisieran morir, es ilegal envenenar alguien. Sin embargo, alguien tiene la derecho de decidir si usted quiere la vida o la muerte. Adémas, si usted quiere mirar la película, vale la pena. Es una historia irresistible.
Lobbying Bike Paths #2 : Frank Diccico
Lobbying Bike Paths - Philadelphia
Philadelphia has twice as many bicycle commuters than in any other city in the United States, which ranks it among the most bicycled city in the country. According to a census report of 2,100 population, Center City and South Philadelphia rank in the top 25 of the part of the city that uses bicycles as a form of transportation the most, in the country. However, Philadelphia lacks bike paths. Bikes are considered a vehicle. Vehicles are not permitted on sidewalks. There are not enough bike paths in different parts of the city to satisfy riders. They would be less likely to ride on the side walk if there were bike paths in the street. There are bike paths in the east and west direction on Spruce and Pine streets. " The rate of sidewalk riding on Spruce and Pine is eight times lower than on streets with no bike lanes." According to Research Director John Boyle. What about North and South? Or 10th and 13th streets? Having bike lanes on busy and important streets throughout the city is the key to make Philadelphia sheets safer for drivers, bikers and pedestrians.
I am extremely for the bike lanes because I have biked in the city. Biking through traffic is intimidating and scary especially since there are drivers who do not pay attention or are texting and not focusing on the task at hand. Therefore putting their lives and mine at risk. I would rather go around the world to get to the bike paths on Pine or Spruce than bike through the city with cars. Bicycles are considered vehicles. We all know bicycles do not go nearly as fast as cars, so although drivers should share the road, it is much more convenient for bikers to have their own paths and for drivers to have their own. EVERYONE'S HAPPY! The Bike Coalition of the greater Philadelphia area are constantly on a move towards improving the safety of bikers. Recently the City is even doing trials in order to test the feasibility of riders by removing a traffic lane on JFK and market. They are testing whether or not three lanes can handle the motor vehicle traffic, who are used to having four lanes. If the test is successful than they will permanently add physically separated bike lanes, which will be the first for Philadelphia.
Bikes lanes to be added to 10th and 13th streets
Pennsylvania Bike Laws
New Bills
Of the nation's 10 biggest cities, Philadelphia's bicycle mode share is twice as high as next-best Chicago.
Percent of commuters who bike to work: 2009- 2.16 %
Female cyclist % very high
Between 2000 and 2009, percent of workers who bike grew by 151 %
This rate is similar to what the Bicycle Coalition documented by counting bicyclists on the street during the morning and evening rush hours; between 2005 and 2010, the average number of bikes per hour counted grew 127 percent. Between 1990 and 2009, the number of bicyclists crossing the Schuylkill River grew by 361 percent
Bike lanes, and more bicyclists, lead to better behavior.
Sidewalk riding drops from 19.8% on streets with no bike lane to 8.6% on streets with a bike lane to 2.4% on streets with a buffered bike lane. The Bicycle Coalition's counts document that, between 2006 and 2010, while helmet use has risen, sidewalk riding and riding the wrong way have fallen at all counted locations.
Bicyclists like bike lanes, and they like buffered bike lanes even better.
The Bicycle Coalition's counts found streets with bike lanes had more cyclists than streets without them, and had more growth in bicyclists than streets without bike lanes.
Watergate Scandal?
View my Prezi Presentation here
There are many things I liked about this project, then there are some things I did not like or that were challenging. I liked the fact that when you actually found a topic, the way you could really change history. It was challenging finding a topic that I was interested in and then trying to make sure that whatever I would change would make sense. It was also challenging to make the primary source documents. I investigated the watergate scandal. I already knew the Richard Nixon resigned however I forgot why. So going back and researching it was cool to really find out what happened, and how things unfolded. I loved the quote I found by Nixon where he said " if the President does it, it is not illegal." It caght me off guard tremendously that after he tried to cover up having people break into the Democratic Committee Offices in order to have some type of advantage in the political race, that he would say that. He was an extremely smart guy who contradicted himself. He was President, so whatever he did affects what happens in America. For important people in the country who have a say in what happens, then each move they take, and each decision the have to make affects everything. Systematic changes impact historical records because they can change the way someone who's reading the source think. This project can definitely be improved by having more time to really get things together. If you did not have a topic by the assigned date, then you really were going to struggle. I think if the project was more detailed as well with what we were suppose to do or if we could see other students project that way we can get an idea of what we are suppose to turn in. I would change the way I approached a topic. Pick a time and really get specific as opposed to just finding an event and thinking of ways to change it.
Musical Instrument Blog #2
Instrument - String
Originated - Portugal
Has four strings and guitar shaped body
Family- Chordophone
The sound is produced by plucking and strumming the strings. The strings then vibrate and are amplified by the resonating body.
In order to tune the instrument, i plan on having an electric tuner, in which when you pluck the string, the tuner is able to tell you the note. The thickness of each string has an effect on the pitch.
Musical Instrument Blog #1
The Ukulele is played similar to how a guitar is played. It can be strummed or picked. There are 4 notes on a Ukulele.
In order to play the C chord, you take you ring finger, place it on the bottom string and strum.
To play A minor, you take your middle finger and place it on the top chord, and remove your ring finger, then strum.
To play F, you take your first finger and play it on the second string,
the one right above C.
To play G7, you bring the middle finger down,
place it on the string right below the top one, then place you ring
finger back on C.
All the notes are being played within the first three
frats. It is shaped just like a guitar but incredibly smaller. This
makes me think that your hands are very powerful tools and even moving
it the slightest can change the way an instrument will sound.
If I have a hollow enough base, I'll be able to produce enough waves to make a louder sound.
The Pacific Gold Rush- Nashby, Ian and Mike
a. What went well?
We worked well together. We did not have ANY problems with getting the information, researching and pulling it all together.
b. What did not?
c. What would you do differently next time?
Just get a different topic but approach it the same way.
d. Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective infographics -
Which of these areas did you excel in? We were very creative in our way of presenting our project. We had just enough information that in which the audience can understand what happened. It is attractive. and extremely visual.
Which were not so well represented? it was not exactly transparent and although it was visual, the story could have been told better.
Why do you think some elements of design were easier or harder to include in the end product? Setting up the story especially with the government side, because we wanted what was important, but also for it to flow well.
Desayuno, Almuerzo, y la Cena
Venezuela? - Natasha Ashby
Isla de Margarita
1) ¿Qué opinas de Hugo Chávez? ¿Qué críticas tienes de él? ¿Estás de acuerdo (in agreement) con unas de sus acciones?
No tenía un opinion de Hugo Chavez porque es muy dificil para escoger una cara. Todo la gente tienen un opina diferente y hasta que le den una oportunidad justa, no puedo juzgarlo. Al parece, Hugo Chavez, no ayuda a cada uno. Un ejemplo es cuando los lideres del iglesia piensan que Hugo Chavez no ayuda a los pobres, y se echa a un lado solamente con los ricos.
2) Si fueras Venezolan@, ¿votarías por él? Explica tu respuesta.
Si era Venezolana, votaría por él solamente si veo él está para ayudar a cada uno y cambiar las cosas para el mejor.
La Persistencia de la Memoria de los ojos del Gonzalo Infante
Soy Gonzalo Infante y tengo once años. Vivo con mis padres, pero viajo mucho con mi mama en sus diversas aventuras. Yo asisto a Saint Patricks quien es un escuela Católica prestigiosa que es solamente para los niños de la clase alta quien permitirla. Eso es hasta que el Padre McEnroe permita los estudiantes de la clase baja asisten sobre un beca. Esto no dura de largo, debido al golpe de estado. Cuando mis compañeros de clase comenzaron a embroma un nuevo estudiante, digame de unirse adentro. En vez, ayudo Pedro Machuca, quien es de la clase bajo, y nosotros convirtieron un amistad que se parecía fresca y diferente. Mi familia es por General Pinochet porque no le gusta que haciendo la gobierno y Allende. Si mi familia podrían, lo derrocarían y tomar poder. La clase bajo esta luchando para sus derechas. Están protestando más y mi familia esta de miedo que sucederá de la movimiento. Machuca, Silvana, su prima, y yo ayudan su padre con venda los drupas para Pinochet y para Allende a las protestas diferente. No soy como mis compañeros de la escuela. No pienso en la misma manera que lo hacen. La gente es la gente en mis ojos. Me siento mal por la clase bajo porque sus vidas son muy dificil..
En este pintura hay muchos marrones. En la parte posterior, el agua es azul. El borde del reloj en el árbol era gris. El que está al lado del reloj cubierto en hormigas tiene un borde del oro. El que está cubierto en hormigas es mas viejo eso fue utilizado en el 1700's. A la derecha del cuadro en la parte posterior, hay un luz brillante sobre las montañas. Es como el sol está subiendo por la mañana. El tono va de brillante en el posterior a apagados en el frente. La esquema de color era selectivo. Él decidía adrede tener apenas una porción de la pintura más brillante entonces el resto. Es como el foco de centro pero de la parte posterior.
1920's Equal Rights Amendment
Current - only 3 photos :/
NHD Segregation in Schools Reflection
Group Members : Aaron Johnson, Amber Altomare
The link to our blog is
My group members and I decided to choose Aaron's topic of Segregation in Schools,
Lo Que Sucede En La Case De Arbol, Cada En La Casa De Arbol.
Resea por Mar Adentro
The History of Girard
Natasha Ashby and Whitney Washington video blog! :D
About Me
SLA is home away from home. Class of 2012!