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Azaria Burton's Art Portfolio #4
Q4 Art Edgar Pacio
I spent a lot of time this quarter working on my capstone which required me messing around with features on photoshop for a while. Luckily my capstone produced two art pieces that I decided to include in my art portfolio. I also spent time painting a ceiling tile but I am not that proud of how it turned out. I used a grid but somewhere along the way while painting I messed up the proportions. Overall the last quarter was fun because I was able to paint more than I ever have.
Chaveliz Nieves Q4 Art
My art consisted of a lot of pencil work. I thought I would wrap up the year with something different. My style in art is very colorful and vibrant. This quarter I decided to use pencil to create different shadows that I thought would compliment the drawling. Most of my drawling were of things that I thought of on the spot, and these drawling are what I think.
Q4 Final Art Project
Thank you. :)
My last quarter was tough. With classes coming to an end and all my work having to be done, it was a stressful time. Nonetheless I went to my art class and did what I enjoyed the most. Thanks to all my friends and teachers for making my senior year. Without you guys it would have been even tougher.
I focused on things I liked with my art projects, took what knew knowledge learned and created something different with it. It's how I like to translate information, through visuals. I collaborated with my friend Emily Jenson on small projects and a large piece that we decided to allow everyone to join in on. It was a lax time but I completed what I wanted and had fun doing so. I hope you enjoy my collection and maybe it will inspire you some.
Thank you. :)
My last quarter was tough. With classes coming to an end and all my work having to be done, it was a stressful time. Nonetheless I went to my art class and did what I enjoyed the most. Thanks to all my friends and teachers for making my senior year. Without you guys it would have been even tougher.
I focused on things I liked with my art projects, took what knew knowledge learned and created something different with it. It's how I like to translate information, through visuals. I collaborated with my friend Emily Jenson on small projects and a large piece that we decided to allow everyone to join in on. It was a lax time but I completed what I wanted and had fun doing so. I hope you enjoy my collection and maybe it will inspire you some.
Emily Jenson Quarter 4 Art
Quarter Four was my most creative Quarter. I really started experimenting with cardboard, cutting into it to see to insides. The closet door in the art room looks amazing, I love just staring at it. Every time someone asks the room or Ms. Hull who did that she points to me or I get to proudly say, " Me. " I've found that working with geometric shapes and triangles especially give me such a sense of calm. Aesthetically, it's extremely pleasing. i also worked on a sculpture of a shack which was awesome because I haven't worked in 3D since over the summer when I took a class at Tyler. The pot I made was one of the pieces that meant the most to make. It's for Ms. Echols, the ocean theme of the glaze is for her new adventures with oceanography. I hope she likes it. The last thing I worked on was the huge cardboard piece with Jenny Cruz. We're going to ask Mr. Lehmann if we can hang it up somewhere so people can add to it. I also added a few pieces that i've done over the past quarter, my personal favorites. I am going to miss this class more than anything. I've learned so much, I've broadened my artistic horizons. I'm beyond excited for college, and to come back and annoy Ms. Hull :-)
Q4 Art Work
This quarter in art was the most fun. I was able to show more of my creativity and my favorite kinds of art work. We were allowed to pick our own assignments but were required to spend 8 hours. I really enjoyed the paper mache because I haven't done it since I was young. That piece was also a collaboration with another classmate.
Quarter 4 Art
Petty Art
Q4 Art Emalyn Bartholomew
This quarter I completed most of my projects on my own time. My favorite one that I completed was the bulletin board. I created this project from an old poster, painting the bulletin board and then spray painting around the outline of Philadelphia. I'm especially excited about this bulletin board because it's a reminder of both Philadelphia and my high school art class, and I can't wait to take it with me to Pittsburgh next year! I also love the silhouette. It's difficult to tell from the picture, but this is a life size portrait. It was pretty difficult to do, because I've never been very good at sketching and drawing, but I was so pleased with how it came out.