Technology- Freshmen - Hull - b2 Public Feed
My Slide, #2 - Tech, Yang
Net Neutrality/// Gerveni
Net neutrality is very important. Why? It's because it teaches teens about the internet. It teaches them more than they think they know the internet. Net neutrality is when all data is produced equally to everyone. Net neutrality is treating the internet equally. The internet is a mess and we need net neutrality to organize it.
Net neutrality reads the ISP. ISP (Internet Service Provider) is a company that provides you with access to the Internet for a fee. ISPs are middle men. ISPs receive the internet and sell it to customers for higher prices. They shorten the speed and its access. The more you pay, the faster your internet.
The FCC (The Federal Communications Commission) is a government created agency. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates interstate communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable. It is an independent U.S. government agency overseen by Congress. Its works on facing economic opportunities and challenges associated with advances in global communications. Provides leadership in strengthening the defense of the nation's communications infrastructure.
Eli Block Slide
Eli Block Slide
All About Aniya
NET Neutrality Blog Sandra
Sandra Watson
Net neutrality
Net neutrality is when all data is produced equally to every person. Net neutrality has keep the internet together and has proved itself efficient in the years passed but some people think otherwise. The net neutrality word that was created by Tim Wu has been tested by the FCC. The FCC is Federal Communication Commission . The FCC show what content is shown or being produced over tv, , and radio. They decide what is art or totally wholesome to be shown for other people. The Fcc over the years have worked their way into the internet and decided that NO Net Neutrality would be a better way to go for everyone or just them ?
In February the FCC and Tom Wheeler will be having a meeting on what new rules they want to consider or make for NEt neutrality. This has been a topic that has been circling in media and schools for quite a while now . NEw rules might new internet service for all of us . The FCC decides that we should no longer have net neutrality we might all get slower content based on what we pay for and may lose important information which is highly wrong but we do not get a say so in what internet privileges we get even though we are the ones paying for it .
In conclusion we all should agree that net neutrality is good for our whole society. Net neutrality affects no one but all of us. The FCC should stop meddling into the internet and stick to covering content on the tv, radio . NO one should be treated less than because of their financial income. We fought for equality so lets stay Equal .
Polson, net neutrality video
Net Neutrality
Why is Net Neutrality important for teens to know about? Net Neutrality is important for teens to know about because it shows teens the basics of the internet. It teaches teens to know more than what they think about the internet. Without net neutrality the internet would be a mess and unorganized. Net neutrality is our internet’s “savior”.
Net neutrality controls ISPs. ISPs are middle mans. Without net neutrality they wouldn't be fair and equitable. An ISP is a middle man because it receives the interweb, and then sells it at high prices to the consumers. It also shortens the speed and access. You have to pay more money to get faster speeds on the internet, and access to more websites.
Also, without net neutrality, ISPs would be able to create new plans to charge customers more for access and services. This affects us because it would be difficult for us to interact online with what we want to do on the internet. The internet can become similar to cable television. Gatekeepers control what we can and get to watch. This unproductive use of the internet may destroy its access.
Net Neutrality, Feliciano Hayes (tech9 - 014 b2)
Net neutrality is affects us teens and kids more than anyone. We as teens, are the future of the internet. Anything that happens with net neutrality affects us more than anyone. It is very important for teens to know about net neutrality. Why? because as a generation that does everything through the internet, we should know what is going on with it.
Net neutrality controls ISPs, or AKA the middle man. Without net neutrality ISP’s wouldn't be fair. ISP’s receive the inter web, and then sells it at high prices to their customers, making it the middle man.They also give you a limited speed and access. People have to pay more money to get faster speeds, and more accessibility to more websites.
Without net neutrality, ISPs would be able to create new plans to charge customers more for services. This would make it harder for people to interact online. The internet could become similar to the cable television because gatekeepers control what we can and get to watch. This use of the internet is unproductive and might destroy the quality.