A Sentence/Story

I was once lost in the darkest, most dangerous forest in the entire world, made up of millions of trees, bushes, flowers, insects, and various animals of all shapes, sizes, and colors; I was unable to receive cell phone service to call for help; therefore, I could not escape such a vast and terrifying area...screeches from lingering animals filled my ears as I watched the tree branches sway with the movement of ferocious, blood-thirsty beasts just waiting to capture me and take me to their lairs; my eyes were fixed on the largest tree in the area, one with a giant hole in the trunk, which I assumed to be home to some sort of horrific creature and it's family...I heard noises coming from within the tree that made me shiver with terror, so I quickly ran behind some bushes to hide from whatever was lurking in the black shadows; my mind racing around the idea of being eaten alive...I wondered whether anyone was searching for me and whether or not I would be saved...I was completely unsure if anyone even realized I was missing...I began to think about what weapons I would use to defend myself against any evil apes or tigers that approached me from the jet-black corners of the woods...All I could find were sticks and sharp rocks that seemed like they would serve no purpose when trying to fight off the teeth and claws of a monster.
