An Unwanted Guest

Many of you may know that I have two pet mice in my room.  Their names are Peanut and Oreo.  About two months ago, Peanut and Oreo were living together in one cage.  Since they are both males, they often fought and argued a lot over little things like territory and food.  Their constant squeaking and rolling around was no surprise to me.  One night, I noticed that they were jumping around and squeaking a bit more than usual.  I got up and walked over to their cage and noticed a small, brown shadow.  Since Peanut is gray/white and Oreo is black/white, the brown was an unfamiliar color.  I quickly ran downstairs to my mom in a panic.  "Mom, I think, I'm seeing things," I said to her.  She thought I was losing my mind and that my medicine was making me have weird side effects.  However, she came upstairs with me anyway.  After looking into the cage, she saw what I thought I had saw: another mouse in the cage.

Apparently, an outdoor mouse had been attracted to the scent of my mice and found it's way into my house and into my room.  He then squeezed his tiny body into their cage and was confronted by two angry enemies.  The mouse was not even half the size of Peanut and was quickly attacked by both of my mice.  Oreo and Peanut suffered minor bite wounds to the tails, but the outdoor mouse was nearly killed.  I managed to manipulate the outdoor mouse and get him to crawl up into the removal compartment of the cage so that I could safely release him back into the wild.  I then cleaned the cage thoroughly.

That night was so shocking but funny at the same time.  My mom said that I looked like I had just seen a ghost when I came downstairs to tell her what I saw.  Since then, Peanut and Oreo have not had any unwanted visitors, thankfully.

