Asher Swartz ILP Update Thursday 11/12/15

Last Wednesday, 11/4/15, I attended my first ILP session with the ACE Mentor program.

It went very well, I think. I enjoyed it a lot, and am looking forward to the rest. I was a bit awkward, the only other kids from SLA are Juniors, but next time another Sophomore is coming. I can probably work on the whole "not being awkward around strangers I don't share a whole lot in common with" thing.

I am generally just looking forward to anything. It is a program that shows a broad view of engineering, and I am just excited to learn more.

I have only had one meeting, but I think they provide pizza everytime as it is somewhat late in the day. I like the food part, though we do have to answer questions to get it, but that isn't a problem. I feel like we're also going to be visiting active sites (not the enzyme kind, the building kind) which is gonna be cool.

I think I need to definitely work on the social thing, as I probably look a little bit weirder than I really am. Its important to remember that collaboration is an important part of engineering, and I need to do that better.
