Basic Conversation

Below is a chart that teaches you basic Conversations starters that will come in handy.

                                                    Basic Conversation Starters
¡ Buenos Días!
Good Morning!
¡Buenas Tardes!
Good Afternoon!
¡Buenas Noches!
Good Night!

                                                                 How Are You?
¿Qué Tal?
How are you?
¿Cómo Estás  (Tú?)/¿Cómo Está? (Udsted?)
How are you? (informal)/ How are you? (formal)

Please remember that  is for friends, and family members while Udsted is for nurses, and doctors, and people who are older than you, or who is apart of an important business.

                                   Polite Ways To End A Basic Conversation
Gracias/Mucho Gusto
Thank you
Denada/ Por nada
Your Welcome
Same or Likewise
¡Chao! / Adios/ ¡Hasta Luego!

Below is a link called "Basic Conversation Videos" that will show you have to have a basic conversation with a Spanish friend.
