Becca Fenton's refrain

EL REFRÁN (escribe el refrán aquí):
Amor y familia es todos lo que nietecito
Nietecito yo nosotros muy malo
Yo amor nosotros
Yo lo hacer simepre

  • Share the first version of your refrán.
    • What is your refrán supposed to communicate? 
      How the most important things are to love your family and to have love in your life.
    • What are you especially happy about with your first draft?
      I am happy that the refrain isn't too long but it's long enough and  I feel like it shows the true purpose of our song.
    • What would you like to improve about your refrán first draft?
      I would like to maybe go over all the spelling and tenses because I feel like we may have had some errors.
    • What was difficult about writing your refrán? 
      It was difficult because I have never written a song in spanish before and it was a new challenge. 
