Can You Dance!

Dancing is an act of expression, through this project I hoped to show that anybody could dance as long as they were able to move there bodies. In my proposal I aimed to show many people dancing but I was inspired to do interviews and show videos of different types of dance to show the broadness and variety of different types of dance. The wide variety of dance shows the story that dance has evolved so much that it has become different forms and there are many different opinions on dance which shows the story that dance is what we make it. I hope the audience gains the confidence to never say that they can't dance. I want the audience to feel able to understand that dance is just a physical form of expression that is supposed to be fun and not over thought. I was gained a scene of enjoyment and happiness from this project. While doing this project I realized how much, I myself enjoy dancing and the excitement of watching other dance/ express themselves. I feel as if this project helped me to know how I can relieve stress later in life and what I can do as a hobby.
