
Exhibit proposal:


Goal: to make people feel the effect of colonization on the world and cultures. Also, to make people feel against the idea of colonization (audio speaking available for descriptions)



In the museum I want you to get a look at how colonization effects how a culture is. You will see the changes in the area, the changes in leadership, and the changes of houses. There will be interactive sections of the tours to keep you all involved and I hope you enjoy it. There will be a brief survey at the end asking what you thought of the museum and areas for us to improve, we would appreciate and look into any ideas you suggest.


Artifact one:


I will set up a treadmill and offer people to walk up them and walk a quarter of a mile. Then I will explain to them that this could be only a small amount of work that some of the children have to do to get some water.


“In Niger the people need to walk to get water and most of the time it is the children. Now, back then with the people not be colonized, there were less people, meaning less use of water. However, now with Niger being colonized there are a lot more people and thus more resources are needed. It makes it harder for the country to survive.”




Artifact two:

 Have this house set up next to this house 


People will be able to walk through the two different houses

“As you can see, over colonization that there are some drastic changes in the housing. It went from nice small huts that could fit people fine, to rows of homes made of cement. Now the ones made of cement are the rather, higher class people. Most of the people live in houses made of plastic, trash, and sheets of metal. What a life style.”

Artifact three:

Make photos larger and show how things have changed due to colonization. I will have the people walk into a dark room and show them the first map and then show peaceful tribes in a natural wild life setting, and then I will switch to the newer map, showing how people have made everything more “civilized.”


“Over the years you can see from the pictures that the areas have drastically changed and become more distinct regions. These are the effects of colonization. Over the years you can see that the regions have become more define and less tribal. Africa is no longer Africa, it is regions and country’s that make up Africa.”


Artifact four:


I will have two men standing next to each other, one will be a tribe leader from the past. The other man will be a French general. So that the people can get a look at how leadership has changed.

“Hamani was the first president and was elected in 1960, before that Niger ran under tribes. There is an obvious difference in the way the two may address themselves. Hamani used suits and was “formal” in a sense, where the tribal leaders would have been, as most people would consider today “primitive.” In the artifact I am showing you that difference.”

Artifact five:


I will take 61% or because we will have groups of 10 then I will just take 6 people out and I will give them 1 dollar. I will then explain to them that this is the only money you get in one day.

“This represents the 61 percent of the country that lives in poverty with only 1 dollar a day. The houses are made up of dirt and wood, and they eat cooked cereal and milk. Before colonization, there were no systems like this were people were suffering and living in such bad conditions. Those that live in the slums are forced to build their own houses out of plastic metal and what ever other material they can find.”




Artifact six:


This artifact expresses the power that the French had over these people. It shows that the people didn’t get what they may have wanted due to the.  Hamani Diori was he first elected president of Niger and had a lot of French influence.

“Hamani Diori was the first elected present of Niger. He had a lot of French influence, so I wanted to have you watch the two candidates talk. Now it turns out that the guy that gave the terrible speech won! I want you all to reflect on this and tell how they feel if this is what was happening, and the power was switching. “

Artifact seven:


In the artifact I will create a video, demonstrating the French coming into Niger and affecting the amount of people there causing there to be less resources.

“In 1946 the French constitution conferred French citizenship on the inhabitants of the territories, provided for decentralization of power and limited participation in political life for local advisory assemblies. On December 4, 1958, after the fifth French republic was established, Niger became an independent state within the French Community. In 1960 the full independence was given and at that point the French were free to come and go, live, participate, and do as they please. “



Artifact eight:

“The Nok people where people that lived back in the ancient times of Niger. They were not the wealthiest of people however they maintained a normal life style and farmed as normal people, now there are people that are dying from starvation. Connection there? Blame colonization and greed.”





In conclusion colonization has changed a culture, tribes, and a country. It has “revolutionized” and changed things so that they were not primitive and in result have made a country turn to poverty and starvation. I hope you have seen how colonization has












unknown, unknown. "The people of nok ." kids page . N.p., n.d. Web. 18 May 2011. <http://www.kidspast.com/world-history/0097-nok.php>.


unknown, unknown. "HISTORY OF NIGERIA."History of nigeria . N.p., n.d. Web. 18 May 2011. <http://www.historyworld.net/wrldhis/PlainTextHistories.asp?historyid=ad41>.


unknown, unknown. "Niger's military coup is condemned by France and Africa." BBC. N.p., February 19th 2010. Web. 18 May 2011. <http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8523573.stm>.



unknown, unknown. "Niger Information." Niger. N.p., October 15th 1998. Web. 18 May 2011. <http://www.uiowa.edu/~africart/toc/countries/Niger.html>.


unknown, unknown. "Nigeria ." actionaid . N.p., unknown . Web. 18 May 2011. <http://www.actionaid.org.uk/683/nigeria.html>.



Dr. Ali B. Ali-Dinar, Ph.D., unknown. "French in West Africa." UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA - AFRICAN STUDIES CENTER. N.p., unknown . Web. 18 May 2011.




unknown, unknown. "NIGER." Discover France . N.p., unknown . Web. 18 May 2011. <http://www.discoverfrance.net/Colonies/Niger.shtml>.




















