Great president or man of mysteries.

process paper. 
During this project I learned a lot about president John F. Kennedy. Most people relate him to Marylin Monroe and the scandals that involved her. But there was a lot more to him than that. He was a man of many successes and many failures. His family always came first and he took risks that weren't always worth taking. Through my tumblr and Weebly viewers will learn about how people adored him and how people hated him. He had a very private life, which is still being exposed to this day. In the beginning I didn't even know what I was doing. At first I was just listing facts about him but I wasn't focusing on a particular part of his life. But as the project went on I figured out where I wanted to take my project and I took it there. I wrote a personal letter from a fictional character named Gracie. I made her a young girl who witnessed the assassination of her president, someone who she felt close to.  I focused on two parts, the assassination and the Bay of pigs which involved John F. Kennedys younger brother Robert, who was also his closest ally. This rocked the nation and was a huge disappointment and embarrassment for the United States. 

Gracie’s story.

November 22nd 1963 is a day that has a home in every history textbook and will be remembered by so many. It was they day president John. F. Kennedy was murdered. A young girl witnessed it with her own eyes. The harrowing event took place in Dallas Texas. JFK’s car was riding by, when Gracie Mack saw her president shot 3 times, once in the head and twice in the throat. Gracie witnessed him fall into his beautiful wife, Jackie Kennedy’s arms and heard her shout “Oh No”.  The car was sped up and went straight to the hospital. Upon arrival the president was still alive, but died 35 minutes later. Gracie couldn’t believe what she saw, she lost herself in her own mob of thoughts. Moments later more chaos arrived. She saw a white man, on the thin side, arguing with police officers, he gave her a look. One she had never seen before. She saw hate and death within his eyes and she instantly knew who he was and what he had done. His name was Lee H. Oswald, he was 24 years old, and he killed Gracie’s president. Oswald was under heavy investigation for two days. Gracie listened to her parents and others conversations around, on November 24th she heard that Oswald had been murdered. Murder was bad. So why did Gracie feel so good about it. Jack Ruby, someone that many knew seldom about. Even though most found it the right thing to do, murder was still a crime. Ruby tried to say that it wasn’t premeditated and that he didn’t know about where Oswald was being held. There were many different sides to JFK’s assasination. Gracie heard her great grandfather say that it was all Robert Kennedy’s fault, that he got the mafia involved the Kennedy administration. But Gracie didn’t want to hear the blame game, she didn’t want Lydon B. Johnson in charge of the country. She didn’t know what was going to happen, but she knew that it would change the way America was forever.


In this article by Tom Wrecker, the assassination of John F. Kennedy was exposed. Kennedy was shot on November 22nd 1963. He was shot at 12.30 pm and pronounced dead around 1 pm. Lee H. Oswald who was quite active within the Fair play for Cuba committee  ,was arrested later that night on accusations of killing John F. Kennedy. Oswald hit Mr. Kennedy with three shots, he fired the rifle from a building off the motorcade route. 106 minutes after the death of Kennedy, the vice president Lydon Baines Johnson swore into oath as America’s new president. "KENNEDY IS KILLED BY SNIPER AS HE RIDES IN CAR IN DALLAS; JOHNSON SWORN IN ON PLANE." NY Times Advertisement. Web. 05 Jan. 2012. <>.

Jack Ruby was the man who killed Lee H. Oswald as he was being transferred from Dallas police headquarters to a nearby county jail. In an interview with Ruby, he said that he had no idea that Oswald was being moved, but many believe that the murder was premeditated. He claimed to have no idea that Oswald was being moved earlier, he said that nobody had told him, he thought it was going to be done at 10.00. Ruby had no prior knowledge as to whom Oswald was before the scandal. He said that the murder wasn’t intended but for the two days after Kennedy’s death all he felt was letdown and remorose "JFK: Jack Ruby's Deathbed Interview." JFK Online: JFK Assassination Resources Online. Web. 05 Jan. 2012. <>.

Interviews with Jacqueline Kennedy were hidden for almost 50 years, the interviews with Mrs. Kennedy were conducted four monthes after the assassination of her husband. She talked a lot about how JFK was as a person, about how much he loved his children, and how he would always come to his family before going to the office and getting to work. She talked a lot about the Cuban missal crisis, which was the closest the U.S came to a nuclear war. It was a very stressful time for JFK, but Jacqueline stayed by his side the entire time, she refused to go on any sort of vacations, and made sure he was given the comfort that he needed. "Jacqueline Kennedy Tapes, Recorded After JFK Assassination, Reveal Intimate Secrets - YouTube." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Web. 05 Jan. 2012. <>.

Robert F. Kennedy was not only JFK’s brother, but also his closest political ally. His role today would be almost impossible. He had plans of getting rid of Americas biggest enemies. He feared that it was his fault that his brother was killed. He believed that his drive to prosecute the mob and kill Castro had backfired and resulted with the assassination. He felt as though the death was supposed to be for him and it came to haunt his family. When he got news of his brothers death, there was no emotion or grief, just utter shock, the moment he found out that his brother was dead, he quickly began making phone calls in search of who killed JFK. There were questions as to why Robert Kennedy didn’t play a bigger role in helping to find out who killed his brother. Some say the main reason was simply denial that his wound was too big, and others say that he didn’t want the government to find out what he was doing on the sides with Castro. "Robert Kennedy Struggled With JFK's Assassination - ABC News." - Breaking News, Latest News & Top Video News - ABC News. Web. 05 Jan. 2012. <>.

In The Wink a book by Barr McClellan, he opens up to the controversial idea that vice president Lyndon B. Johnson was behind the assassination of JFK. McClellan said that Johnson had the moves and the motives to do it. Some say that the theories are complete bogus, but McClellan and his family, speculate that Johnson, was in it for the money power and blood. He also involved Edward Clark, who was an embassador saying that he covered the assassination for Johnson. Jeong, Hye. "LBJ Behind JFK Killing - New Book - Remember 'The Wink'" Jeff Rense Program. Web. 05 Jan. 2012. <>.
