Immigration Visualization Project

·       What surprised you most about this information?
What surprised me more is Mexico rebels and that there where a lot of different types of wars ones in Greece and a lot others with Turkey. Also that Spain owned the Easter part of Florida and then sold it to the US. Slave ending in Ghana and the gold rush of Australia.

·        What seemed quite obvious about explaining this data set?
It's obvious that a lot of people would move from there home  around 1901-1910.

·       Looking at the overall trend and incorporating what you know about the US presently, predict and defend the immigration trend for the next two decades.

I think that it will continue rising every year because people would want to come to the US for the US dream. It will grow every year. It might go down about a 1000 but that just might be all.
·       Describe how you made a decision on how to visually represent the information.

We want to put the pulls together and the push too.

·       What parts of group work were challenging?

Getting everything together. Also pick what info is the most important.

·       What would you do differently if you had this project to do over?
I really like the way the project turn out but I would want to put more info into it.

