Life is Now or Never By: Maggie and Katia

For the first quarter benchmark we were told to create a response to a piece of literature that reflected our society today. We brainstormed ideas/themes that would capture the our generation. We pulled themes from books and, videos that related to our theme For further analysis of how this project click the links as you continue to read. 

My partner and I decided to make our literature piece a rap album written by a young woman who emigrated to the U.S. when she was a teenager.  The album is called Life Is Now Or Never, because it describes humans not finding meaning in their lives  today. The album contains 10 songs, each one telling a different story; however they all speak of humans in the modern day. Today, everyone can create their own worlds on the internet, but at the same time they are ignoring the real world they live in. In other words, people  just watch life pass them by and do nothing because they are too busy trying to  make their fake worlds perfect. Although people can connect faster and for a lot longer, they also lose meaningful people; and they stop valuing things like friendship. Technology take us away from each other, and as a result we do not care about for one another. There are so many other reasons that cause humans to be less like humans, but the main reason is the advancement and development of technology.

We chose an emigrant to be the artist, because we were thinking about the differences between under developed countries and really developed ones.  We often think that people in developed countries have much better lives than those in under developed countries only because they have better resources. However, that is not necessarily the truth.  People in developed countries definitely have easier lives than those in under developed ones, but that does not mean that they are happier. It may be the complete opposite. People who live in under developed countries do not have technology that distracts them from enjoying life; so people care a lot more about each other, and even they suffer, they struggle all together. However in developed countries, people seem to do the same thing everyday, they run after money so they can  provide  themselves.

My partner and I thought that the artist should host an album release party. There’s not a real album, so we could not host a real party; that’s why we made a poster with an invitation to the party, and the album cover picture. The album cover is a picture of two people holding hands and that represents the union of human beings.

For the audience response, one of us pretended to be the artist and did a question and answer youtube video. We thought that it would be really important for the artist to interact with her audience directly, instead of  appearing on TV, news papers ad magazines; because the simplicity of the artist would draw the audience, it would prove that she is not conceited and she’s not just writing to write but to convey her ideas and transfer a message.

For the cultural fabric, we did a news paper article (Click here: that  asks whether Finn who’s our artist the only person who thinks this way. To answer this question, we talked about a book and two movies which we compared to the album. The reason why we chose a news paper article that asks the public a question, is because we thought that it would make the public to think about the question and try to answer it; so that way they’ll know if they also think like Finn or not. 

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Comments (2)

Ameer Holmes (Student 2016)
Ameer Holmes

I can't see the image, but I like the q and a because it really feels like you are the artist and you really get into charachter. An era of global unity would be a good thing to strive for but I don't beleive we are quite yet there