Los Fotos

Comments (5)

Jhazzelle Majarucon (Student 2018)
Jhazzelle Majarucon

I understood her saying that she likes to spend time with her family and she loves pumpkins.

I liked the background music and her pictures.

I suggest her to speak slowly and to articulate the words more.

Nadia Green (Student 2018)
Nadia Green

What I understood was that Maria had get up at 6am and she had to set or reset her alarm. Her name is Isabella and her friend is Tina. I think there were flowers that were around.

I liked the pace of the speaking part. It was nice and it flowed.

I don’t have any suggestions.

Israh Mohammed (Student 2018)
Israh Mohammed

I understood that Maria had to get up at 6 am for school. She was getting driven to school. Her favorite color is pink. Her favorite season is fall. Tajnia and Sydea are in the same photography class. I liked how your voice was very clear. Your pace was not too fast or slow, that I could understand most of the video. It didn’t feel like there was a rush to it. I suggest maybe have some transitions, between your pictures.

Cindy Chen (Student 2018)
Cindy Chen

I understood how she like seasons that include fall and something about Halloween. .Name is issabellia and how you like to spent time with your family. I liked how when you speak, it is really smooth. I suggest that some recording were not unequal but overall, I like it:)

Paul-Ann Whyte (Student 2018)
Paul-Ann Whyte

I understood that something was really pretty. Your favorite season is fall. You like fall because it has Hallloween in it? You are in a photography class and you and Tajnia went to the park. Syeda told Tajnia she is really fun.
I liked the background music. I suggest that you don’t use Spanglish in the beginning. There is a way to say 6:00 in Spanish.