Macbeth Creative Project

For our creative project Jingyu and I made a poster and playbill acting like Macbeth was being played at a theater. We made it as if William Shakespeare was still performing Macbeth and included the actual location where one of them took place. Our playbill includes a plot summary, actors, and key scenes of the play. Our main inspiration for the poster was Macbeths soliloquy “Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow”. We felt that this pretty much summarizes the whole play which is that everything that Macbeth did ended with him being left with nothing. In the poster is displayed different recurring motifs and major themes of the play going through an hourglass representing loss.

We thought is was best to use and hourglass for this poster because people can easily associate it with loss of time or just loss in general, which is what we want people to see. In the little bubbles are displayed the motifs and themes. The eye goes back to Macbeths quote “Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires”. The heart represents a tainted heart and how he is no longer noble or kind. The z’s show Macbeths lack of sleep. The other three are self explanatory showing witches, Dunsinane hill, and being king. The biggest part is where it shows a hand getting stabbed with a dagger. The dagger is supposed to be the one that killed the king. This shows how Macbeth has “stabbed” or hurt himself by killing King Duncan. The background with the splattered blood just builds off of this and show how things for Macbeth got really messy. Overall we just really wanted to show that what Macbeth had done and sacrificed was not worth it in the end through art. By looking at this a whole and not in individual pieces Macbeths losses can be seen on a bigger scale.


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