Marshall Johnston Extra Credit Blog Post Assignment

Of the four benchmarks we've completed so far this year, my favorite would have to be the grocery store benchmark from the first quarter. I enjoy doing work that may have an affect on my life rather than solving problem after problem and submitting my answers for your approval. Of the four benchmarks, the grocery store and study guide benchmarks were the only two that had some sort of impact on my life (other than improving my math skills). Even though this benchmark involved some of the most basic statistics topics we've learned, it still did a good job of challenging me. At this point in the year, we were learning about univariate data as well as some basic ways to visualize that data we had collected (histograms, stem & leaf plots, and box & whisker plots). We took what we had learned about how to collect and visualize data, and we were able to apply it by comparing the prices of certain items at grocery stores in order to determine which stores were the cheapest.

Inquiry: Our initial question was, what are the cheapest grocery stores in the city of Philadelphia?
Research: We researched by having each group member go to their individual grocery store and gather prices for 25 different items.
Collaboration: After each group member had gathered their information, we were able to compare results with each other and together we came up with graphs showing which stores were the cheapest.
Presentation: We presented our results in front of our classmates.
Reflection: Not only did we each have to write a reflection for the benchmark, but we also now know what stores to shop at as well as which products to buy if we are focusing on saving money.
