Mein Selfies

Presentation of the self is something that goes two ways; either it is the most important thing in the world, or it has absolutely no importance. I don't think this varies person to person, either. I think it varies day to day, or minute to minute. At school, I don't often bother with my presentation so long as I make sure I smell good in the morning, because I know that at school, nobody is going to bother me about how I look, and I generally don't have that kind of time (and the smelling nice bit is mostly because I give a lot of hugs- nobody wants to hug a smelly person). Anywhere else, though, If I'm going to be in public (even with my best friends), my hair has to be styled, my outfit sharp and well-matched, everything fitting beautifully. This is what I like to show people when I'm out; the well mannered, often soft-spoken young man with a sharp, smart eye for fashion (who happens to smell like a god-damned fruit basket with peppermint candies in). Outside of school or home, unless only my friends can hear, I dislike showing what's going on in my mind- the dirty jokes I catch, the vulgar thoughts I often have, or the more vicious, cruel thoughts that I keep to myself.

Photo on 5-1-14 at 9.27 PM
Photo on 5-1-14 at 9.27 PM
Photo on 5-4-14 at 2.36 PM
Photo on 5-4-14 at 2.36 PM
