Negative Space Drawings

Photo on 4-26-12 at 8.43 AM copy
Photo on 4-26-12 at 8.43 AM copy
Photo on 4-26-12 at 9.06 AM
Photo on 4-26-12 at 9.06 AM
A. Negative space is all of the parts of a picture that aren't the frames of each thing in the picture. When looking at a picture, you first see the lines that make a shape look the way that it is. With negative space as the most attracting part of a picture, the things that you wouldn't see first in a negative space picture would be seen first.
B. I found negative space in my cut out by separating dark colors from the lighter colors. In my stool drawing, I took every empty space I could find in my frame and instead of sketching it out, I turned it inside out by filling everything out with black instead of leaving it white.
C. It helps to see negative space because it helps to realize what isn't there is still important in a drawing. It helps us recognize how to see shadows, and other concepts in art such as these.
D. Yes, negative space enhances drawings because it shows viewers what's in the picture that might not always be plain to the human eye. So, when there is lots of negative space in a picture or drawing, it should be emphasized in some way or another.
