Peter Keo Capstone

For my capstone, I wanted to explore something that I was really passionate about while also still trying to have fun and be motivated throughout my project. I then realized that being in the CTE Digital Video program provided an excellent opportunity to create a mini-documentary on Hallyu culture and k-pop specifically. My senior capstone is titled “K-popping A Bubble” and it is a mini-documentary that provides the history and context behind Hallyu culture and K-pop specifically. This documentary is split into five distinct sections aside from the introduction and conclusion: What is K-pop?, The Uprising of K-pop, The Golden Era & Global Breakthrough and K-popping the Bubble. I wanted to create this documentary with the intent of educating people who may not have much knowledge in Hallyu culture and K-pop while also bringing attention to certain topics that people who do like k-pop may not be well versed in. Throughout the creation of this capstone, I learned a great wealth of information about k-pop that I myself have never heard of, giving me more fuel for the passion that is the flame of my obsession with K-pop. I was also able to fully assess my capacity as a student and was able to challenge my research, time management and communication skills. In the end, I am proud of a product that I am able to show to anyone, so I hope you check it out below!

Here is my annotated bibliography:
