Prosthetics-Maggie Clampet-Lundquist

Science: A prosthetic is a device, either external or implanted, that substitutes for or supplements a missing or defective part of the body. A prosthetic is different depending on the level of physical condition/abilities and needs. Prosthetic technology has advanced so much that each prosthetic is custom made. They can look like whatever the patient wants whether that might be functional,  or looking like a natural limb. A prosthetic is connected to a socket which allows the prosthetic to connect to your dead limb. There is a layer that called the: Addition Layer. The additional layer is a piece of fabric that separated the skin from the prosthetic. The inside of the socket is made with a soft material that makes it comfortable. Limbs need to be amputated so the risk of infection decreases. The doctors would begin by cutting into the skin the cut has to be accurate so it will heal accurately and leave minimal scarring. A lot of the muscle is cut off during the amputation but a lot thought has to go into reshaping the muscle tissue that is still there, this is important because the padding provides around the bone after surgery. The padding is also important for maintaining a healthy stump and is important when it comes to fitting the prosthetic.

Society:In the United States there are 2 million people who have a prosthetic body part. Prosthetics cost anywhere from five to fifty thousand dollars, but no matter the cost prosthetic have to be replaced every three to five years because of wear and tear. The most common way for people to lose a limb is through Vascular disease fifty four percent of the United States has this disease. Prosthetics aren’t only for people, they are also for animals.  Like humans, animals can have limb defects causing them to have a prosthetic body part.

Self: I think prosthetics are an amazing invention! 
