Q1 Art Portfolio

Art has never been a second nature to me. I have never been particularly inspired by charcoal, canvas or colored pencils, but this quarter in art seemed to take a new turn.

By doing unique art projects such as painting ceiling tiles or making some sort of jack-o-lantern, art became fun again. The only art that I practice outside of school is photography but as I continue with this class, I believe that I will become inspired by the other students in this class and by the other artwork that I will create. 

The hardest piece of work that I completed was the self-portrait drawing. I'm not good at making my pencil move in the strokes that my mind thinks of, but I did learn something about myself as an artist: I need to keep trying. Even though it was extremely challenging, I simply kept with it and ended up with a product that while I know is not spectacular, I am proud of.

I am excited to see what the second quarter brings. I am ready to open my heart to inspiration and create artwork that I take pride in.
