Q3 Art Work

This quarter was one of the tougher quarters for art this year. In it were about nine different assignments. Many required close attention and others research, and a few both. This quarter I believed I completed decent artwork, however I was not very sharp on getting everything in on time.

I completed a self portrait of myself which was one of the hard drawings to complete because it took more time. however it was easy to understand because I was just drawing myself. I have done self portraits in the past so it wasn't too hard.

Next, I completed a drawing of a bunny. I felt like, since my art skills are not very high, a bunny would be ideal for my skill set. I admit, I needed some online help to draw it, but it is original and I am proud of the overall outlook of this drawing.

Then, I completed a shading exercise in which I had to draw different shades, from lightest to darkest, in a row to show the different values of shading. This helps artists understand what to shade and what to not shade as well as what values to use. Then I used this knowledge to draw a drawing of a tea cup using the shading values, which I believe turned out fairly well.

Lastly, I finished a drawing of basic shapes in which I used shapes like circles, triangles, and squares to draw a robot. Robots are supposed to be basic shapes anyway, but in my second drawing I added a little flare. I drew some curves were edges were in the original picture and just made the robot look more real, and the shape drawing exercise helped.

In conclusion, this was a successful quarter for art for me and I hope to finish strong in the fourth quarter!
