Q3 Portfolio - A Collection of Art

This woman's nose is an oval.
This penguin is sad because it has been taken from its arctic home and left alone in the big city.
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Robert Plant. Get it?
This is some kind of cylindrical cat.
This bird lives in fear of its captor, who keeps it locked in a metal cage.
The frog is happy and smiling because it is young and ignorant of the pain and suffering in the world.
This snake lies waiting in the road for chickens, ducks, rats, etc. to cross the road so that it may make a meal of them.
This is a photograph of Edgar, a student who sits across from me in class. I took the photograph with a Nikon L830 and a 50mm f/1.8DAF lens. 
This woman is ironically thanking God for her life.
This self portrait represents all that I've erased in my life.
This young boy on the beach has just found a pair of giant sunglasses that must belong to some kind of giant.
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Above is a version of the drawing that I created in photoshop.
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This is a photograph of Edgar that I took with a Canon EOS 1100D/Rebel T3. 
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This is Frank from the movie Donnie Darko. Lacking all creative intellect, I copied this image from the internet. However, the fridge is my own artistic touch.
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This is a lone chess piece on a lone hill among many lone hills.
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Man with a tattooed face. 
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This is a drawing depicting a man in his car with a bug on the windshield. The question is: who's screaming, the man or the bug?
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Ladies and Gentlemen, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
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Here is a drawing of a giraffe perched upon a mountain of cocaine, and below it an image I created on Photoshop. I call it, The Cocaine of Giraffe. 
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Here we see Hitler behind Heaven's pearly gates. He's upset that God admitted him into His palace because all of his friends are down below in Hell. He prays to Satan every night to bring him down to his fiery kingdom to be with his old pals.
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Here is a drawing and Photoshop image of a satanic cat, just one creation in my satanic series.
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Here is my Satanic Santa, the second installment in the series.
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Finally, Satanic Spongebob, my personal favorite. Yes, I did create these images.
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Here is an image of a wine bottle I created with Sketchup.
This empty, discarded pack of cigarettes represents the disgust I feel for mankind.
This is a photograph of Big Ben, the largest and most famous clock in England. I captured this image with my iPhone 4S. 
