Quarter 4 Benchmark

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The thing I found most challenging was finding the link to support what I had written in my two paragraphs. Most of my paragraphs were opinionated or based on knowledge I already knew, so finding the correct source I felt was hard because it was not needed. For some of my topics the challenging part was even writing  two paragraphs. The steps to collecting and selecting my images started with picking my topics. I first picked the 10 topics I knew would be easy to describe and most convenient for my to take pictures of. Then I picked the pictures that best fit and took distance into consideration, I tried to keep the pictures not necessarily just in my neighborhood but places that I spend time at. My favorite image is the picture of the recycling and trash bins on South St. This is my favorite picture because going green is at this point one of the most important things happening globally, and to see it in Philadelphia means that progress is happening. I also like the fact that you can tell these are located on major tour city in Philadelphia because they are artistic.  Globalization in Philadelphia is evident however when being compared to larger cities they have much more evidence with certain categories.  With Philadelphia you have to look much deeper to understand what true globalization is within the certain things we see. However cities everywhere are influenced global by culture and religion. These are topics that help shape the cities we live in today. 
