Quarter 4 benchmark


My portfolio is a demonstration of how much of a good student I can be If I try, and how I sometimes may not do my best because of time of sequences that don't work for me. The Odyssesy comapare/contrast, I tried my best, managed my time, and met was able to complete everything I needed for the assignment even though I did it in the last week. An example of a project gone right. Unlike my Mysterious Skin book review, It was rushed and incomplete in body and depth, It was obviously a fault of mine that made me not able to show off my best efforts. Throughout the entire semester my grade was a reflection of this repetitive unbalance of time, and organization.

2) Memoir Vignette: In this project we had to write a narrative about something that happened to us, that was impacting and played a role in how we grew up. I choose an event that happened to me when I was very young, which inspired my fascination for paranormal science. 

In the summer of 2001, when I was only five years old, I was to become a member of a group of paranormal phenomenon fanatics and victims. What I witnessed when I was young may be a factor to my arms length detachment to society. Don't be afraid, for it was but a mere miscomprehension. And come to these years discovering that it wasn't really what I thought it was a t first. And maybe so the expanding mind of a five year old really did misinterpret but it happened. My mothers van another blur in the great big spectrum of cars we' own in the future years. Sitting in the back, seat belt strapped over my shoulder staring in amazement out the window. Eyes to see, eyes to learn. This ride is muted, like a slow dive. It's the time when summer trades in it's sun umbrella for a rake. My favorite time of the year, the weather at humble ease into a closer step towards peacefulness.
My mother is in the front driving, my baby sister Lindsey in the car right next to me as we head under the bridge into Kelly Drive. I remember always being scared when we went under the bridge. I always thought it would collapse over us, and we'd be goners. I still think that sometimes today.

The van cruised smoothly down the road. Right next to it brown river with a beautiful rainbow forest to the other side, with little dirt paths playing pick-a-boo with the travelers. A bikeway on our side with a little wooden bridge that connects you across the river. I stared out the window, the yellows, and greens of nature moving vastly through the window like a mosaic. We went around the curve, and I observed the river closely.
Brown and mucky it was, with all kinds of dead trees and plants creeping at the surface. My mind swallowed it whole. My heart stumbled.Eyes faltering to a blink. Face pressed up to the window. A humongous yellow creature emerged from the water. It stood in its brown puddles. The size of the house it was. Steadily moving in the muck water dripping from it. It was garbage truck yellow and had brown little patches of stains marked all over its monstrous body. Its legs were skinny and almost robotic. It had giant black fly eyes on an alien shaped head. And yellow antennas mutinous. It seemed to be praying, almost. And then I figured it out; it was a giant yellow grasshopper! It made a horrendous noise "SCREEEECCH!" As it maneuvered itself in the river. I wanted to scream. But we just drove on by. All the cars seemed to be driving on by. I was to pertrify to tell my mother. We drove on in to lost memories.

For years and years that scene stayed a bullet in my heart. I always believed it was a giant grasshopper. I had witnessed the paranormal. The pretend things. That's another thing that sparked my curiousity for UFOs. For years every Saturday morning I'd be on the Discovery Chanel watching UFO Files. Going on the computer and researching ghosts and any kind of paranormal happenings. The Church of Satan, Christianity, Exorcisms, Bigfoot, the missing, and unexplained creatures. All these things had become the center of my life. I had always thought all these years that I had witnessed the paranormal. I was a one of those people you saw on TV talking about being abducted, I was that country family who saw the flying saucer zoom across the sky. That was all I cared for, until I grew up.
Life it happens, but sometimes we do let our imaginations get the best of us. And now when I look back, I learn that I didn't discover some new species, but I discovered something more colossal. What I saw wasn't a giant yellow grasshopper, but a CATERPILLAR truck. Used for construction and destruction. Those big black eyes were probably bulldozers I was seeing. It's funny how strong the mind can fool you.
Memories painting pictures and illusions. I understood why there are so many crazies walking around believing that zombies will return from the dead and it will be salvation. People believing anything they hear. I was afraid so my mind made it all up. Fear is thoughts that distort reality. Thoughts that distort reality are lies, and thus imaginary. I like to laugh at what I though, but want to humble myself for the truth about life I have gained.

The 3)Odyssey Compare/Contrast:

In the Odyssey Compare/Contrast essay we were required to pick a character and or event of the Odyssey and compare it to another story/movie/ tv show. I chose to compare Athena of the Odyssey, and Lady Galadriel of The Lord of the Rings

It is assuredly valued that the goddess Athena and Lady Galadriel are sage mentors of their time. Although the texts of The Odyssey and The Lord of the Rings take place in different times and settings, Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings elfy Lady of Lothlorien, and the Greek's virgin goddess Athena of The Odyssey both appear as guilders of wisdom and power in both stories. But just how do these immortal ladies meet head to head in similarities of their stories?
Athena and Lady Galadriel are different because Athena is a Goddess, and Lady Galadriel is a high Elf. Though Lady Galadriel is great in wit, Athena is known for her logic and intelligence, and Lady Galadriel for her fairness, calling her the Lady of Light. Athena is known as the Virgin Goddess, because she never married or had a lover, Lady Galadriel on the other hand is married to Lord Celeborn.
Athena and Lady Galadriel are similar because they both prophesize to help the main characters of their journey. In the book The Odyssey Athena predicts Ulysses' return to Telemachus " ...But come, tell me this and declare it truly, whether indeed, tall as you are, you are the son of Ulysses himself. WOndrously like his are your head and beautiful eyes; for full often we did consort with one another before he embarked for the land of Troy, where others, too, the bravest of the Argives, went in their excavated ships. But since that day neither have I seen Ulysses, nor he me."( Book 1: 178-210). And Lady Galadriel does the same thing to Frodo and Samwise Gamgee, by taking them to her Mirror of Galadriel and letting them look into the future of what could be if they don't complete their tasks. In The Fellowship of the Ring, she states,"' Like as not.' said the Lady with a gentle laugh. 
'But come, you shall look and see what you may. Do not touch the water!'...' There's only stars, as I thought,' he Frodo said. Then he gave a low gasp for the stars went out. As if a dark veil had been withdrawn, the Mirror grew grey, and then clears. There was the sun shining, and the branches of trees were waving and tossing in the wind..." ( Book 2: p. 362) These quotes exemplify how Athena prophesizes the return of Ulysses and how Lady Galadriel lets Frodo and Sam see the future.
In conclusion, Lady Galadriel and Athena are both important and key characters in the books Lord of the Rings and The Odyssey. They meet head to head, by providing characters with gifts, prophecy, and help in near impossible situations. By highlighting the relation between Lady Galadriel and Athena, one can have a better understanding of the influence of ancient Greek mythology on later masterpieces of fantasy and literature by authors like J.R.R Tolkien.

5) Independent Reading assignment: Nineteen Eighty Four, in this assignment I do a review the book Nineteen-Eighty Four. I basically talk about the book


       On June 8th 1949, the English author of the popular novel Animal Farm, George Orwell, published the 326 page book Nineteen-Eighty-Four.  The book was listed as number 13 on the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century.


Nineteen-Eighy-Four  takes place in the post-capitalist fictional dystopia Oceania, which is supposed to be a model of future Britain  thirty-five year after the book was written.  We find ourselves in a totalitarian, collectivist,  oligarchical state, where state interference is apparent in a very controlling manner, and all popular thoughts, and opinion reign. The story is in first person told by the protagonist Winston Smith, who though works for the central Party’s branch in changing historical records to make sure that propaganda is always true, is actually very critical of Big Brother, the dictator of Oceania,  and is throughout the entire story trying to find his way into a direct action of rebellion.  The conflict of the story, is basically him trying to achieve some sort of independence and revolution in a society where censorship is prevalent, actions and you are constantly being watched. The main conflict in the story is Winston trying to survive, trying not go completely insane in a police state where everything his force fed and authority blankets every inch of land.



My favorite character is of course Winston even though, how he ends up is very much shocking and terrifying.  I can’t honestly say I favor any of the characters, for every character is not very likeable, in fact they are all very bland, and it seems as if some of them don’t even exist.  People should realize that this book  isn’t even about the characters, it’s about looking into a perspective and challenging everything you know. One theme I took away from this book was definetly, revaulating my opinions on authority, government control, economy, and correlating these things to modern day society. Though fictional, I’d say this book, is at the same time a gothic horror and an informative essay. Very beautiful, eloquent, and explosively written.  This book should without a doubt be read more than once, because there is so much to take in, one can possibly not take in everything at once.


This might just be one of the greatest books I’ve ever read and one of the greatest novels of all time. Imagine, the “Catcher in the Rye” but the politically correct version. One strength this book has is demonstrating perspective of the rebel, and thoroughly exemplifying the mentality one who is against the grain. I wouldn’t change anything about the book, I’d only read it again and again and again. It introduces many political themes such as socialism, capitalism, democracy, etc, so additional research should be done so you know about every thick concept the book explores. It may be quite overwhelming because of the intense word usage, so having a dictionary by your side is recommended.


In conclusion, this book should be read by every sort of person, of every range of abilities. Something about it taps into your brain, leaves you shocked, possibly frightened, but eager to learn more.

6)Journal Entries: These are journal entries from this year that love.


Your environment shapes who you are because living in a certain environment can effect how you see the world.The things that you do in that environment, affect how you spend your free time, either it’s too dangerous to go outdoors, making you stay indoors, or your prefer going out in the jungle. What you see outside of your house for me, is what you see in the world. Either it’s a clean suburban slum, or a the gutters of the city, that’s what you have to show for your perspective of the world.


JOURNAL: 3/18/11


I didn’t feel anything when I encountered the word “nigger”. I would’ve been interested if I was in the 5th grade or something, but no. I don’t really think it means anything, it’s use is to evoke hatred and bad memories, but really when you get over it, it doesn’t affect you. It’s not the best come back, and it’s not even the best insult, people have turned it into something different, making it not really harmful at all anymore.


JOURNAL 3/24/11

 I think Kevin will eventually end up having to adapt to the new world,  or become insane and institutionalized.


JOURNAL: 4/5/11

Some of the expectations put upon me by others are to have good grades, good behavior, look the best, be in tons of extracurricular activities, and be everybody’s favorite. My expectations for myself are to basically  be as secure with my own individuality regardless of what others say and not try to live up to other people’s standards and be content in what I feel is best for me. These expectations are way different because though, I am involved in an extracurricular activity, I’m not excited by most of them,  my expectations are about being at what you think is your personal best, and doing things that give you purpose and meaning and not just being a tool for others.


7) This year was very very messy for me. It's unlike any year I've ever had. My grades were not all straight A's like usual, and I had to face uncomfortable socialization from the staff and students.  I guess I learned how to deal with screwing things up and how to pick up the pieces from the mess I make. It's great.
