S.Kabangai- Chinese Immigration

  What i like about the project was that it made me do a lot of thinking and i learned a lot of history by going out on my own and researching the information that i needed.
I was surprised to find out that the Chinese are responsible for a lot of the development of America, even back then. I also learned that the Chinese were an alternative laborers back in the day during the early days when slavery was just abolished, because the Chinese were doing manual labor for cheap.
     The actions of an individual builds up a standard that others can build up on and or improve on it or do more from that standard.
It gives the background information on a particular subject and it shows the changes as time goes on. One decision can change lives, build or destroy history and its possible to change everything around and give new ideas, views and impact on the history to come.
It can be explained more in details with all the information of what needs to be done and what needs to be give easily in a sentence or a paragraph.
I will first get a list of everything that i need and make a check list out of it. And also makes sure that i deeply understand everything that i have to do and everything that i need for the finial product. 

Here is the link to my project 
