Selfie Game Too Strong

These three pictures capture most of my essence. I’m still not sure if I chose the right three; maybe there was another selfie that would be better suited for this assignment. I could go on for weeks contemplating the decision, or I could explain to you the meaning behind these choices. I prefer the latter.

So this first picture. You’re probably wondering why a 6’4” black male is masked up with a safari hat to compliment. Well, this kid is preparing for battle in the ongoing war of Ultimate Frisbee. This sport, as popular as butter on pop tarts, has become one of my greatest joys in life. I couldn’t have asked for a better hobby, workout, and overall fun experience. The second picture (please excuse the obscene gesture, if you knew Manny you would understand) is of my friend Emmannuel “Manny” Kouadio and I. I enjoy the company of my friends almost as much as Ultimate, even if I’m usually the driver for every event. Lastly, probably the best for last, is the poorly hidden face of Karoline Alexandra Castillo and I. No, I’m not forcing a picture, my 2 year girlfriend is just camera shy. This girl has been a “piece of work” (don’t tell her I said it), but has been the best bestfriend I’ve had. She puts up with craziness I offer (like the mask and safari hat), which is something I’m eternally grateful for.
