Super Freakonomics Podcast Part 3 - Ava Olsen and Michelle Friedman

The third podcast in the Superfreakonomics series highlights some questions from our teacher, Mr. Miles. He had a few specific questions about prostitution law enforcement and terrorism prediction and prevention. Then we moved on to the third chapter and discussed crime rates and altruism. We challenged the legitimacy of the correlation between TV viewing and increased crime rates. We also debated the idea of true altruism and how incentives and fear play into all of our decisions. Next week we will most likely finish off the book with chapters four and five and answer more listener questions if there are any. Enjoy our third podcast!

Comments (1)

Mark Miles (Teacher)
Mark Miles

Another great podcast!

For next time, please respond to the following prompt:

  1. Do you believe the U.S. should reconsider its policy on compensating organ donors? Why/not?