Technology Takeover
Technology is amazing and benefits everyone exponentially. Though, sometimes we depend on it way too much. We use tech for everything. For example, talking to other people from anywhere in the world, transportation, research and mainly entertainment, basically everything we do is based around technology. These days people don’t need to talk face to face they can just text each other or talk on the phone. It’s basically taking over the minds of everyone. This topic interests me because technology is something that is really important in our daily life that people can’t go one day without using any form of technology. There are many negative side effects of abusing the technology we use today that people don’t even realize until they are hurt by it. There are at least twenty five negative effects technology has on human beings. One of the main issues that technology has over everyone is isolation. Isolation is the lack of contact with other people in normal daily living. Such as hanging out with friends, at your job, or any other physical activities that don’t have to deal with technology.
Studies show that people who are normally isolated by technology are most likely to die prematurely regardless of your health issues. We humans can isolate ourselves in numerous ways, one being listening to music. Music takes a big part in the isolation the minds of the people. Almost everywhere you go no matter where you are you see someone on their cellular device, on a laptop, listening to their music isolating themselves from the real world.
Another major effect that technology has on humans today is the lack of focus and shortening of the intention span. Studies show that today people average intention span can go for about five minutes, but about ten years ago it was twelve. It mainly affects the young more negatively than the elderly. Since teens and children these days have social media like Facebook, Instagram, and twitter they are all caught up in what's going on there that they lose focus on the important things. About 25% of people forget the names of close friends and relatives. About four years ago in the UK 1.6 billion dollars of damage was caused by the lack of concentration. Mostly people forgetting their pots and pans on the stove which causes a fire ruining their entire lives. The over using of technology can be a very dangerous thing. Scientist say that it remodels the way our brains work, but not in a good way.
As we move closer into the future and technology starts to progress, would it get worse from here on out. Thinking about all the horrible possibilities that technology can do to us will it move us forward or take us back. Eventually people won’t even have to leave their house to go to work or go shopping. Online school is now a thing so you don’t even have to leave your own bedroom. Yes, technology makes everything easier and faster but in the long run is it really helping us? Soon enough everything will be digital and technology will destroy the minds of everyone.
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