The Interview:
The Interview:
Previously in Blog Post #1 I've told you guys about what MS is and how it affects my life personally and the people around me.I never told you guys how I feel about it, I was too young to understand what was happening to me I also told you that my Mom, Nikki has MS and some of the things that she goes through daily, the medicines and some of the symptoms that she has. Some new information that I've found was that MS is actually more common in women, I gotten this information from a Doctor that I interviewed for the original research part of the Project. I choose to interview a neurologist at the Thomas Jefferson Hospital Department of Neurology.You guys can check out the Link here My Interview. Be aware this video isn't the best you may hear baby noises in the background( My godsister).
I find the experience of talking to a real doctor was actually pretty awesome I didn't ask the doctor about my Mom's condition I didn't want to really get too deep into that. Now that I have somebody else's perspective on the topic not just what the internet has to tell me about MS I think that I have a better understanding about it. I think that going out and actually interviewing a real Doctor, someone who has studied and is passionate about helping those who are really ill such as my Mom. Somethings that I was still thinking about is what the brain looks like or the spinal cord looks like after MS takes its toll on those parts of the body.
I've found many ways to get my class and community to get involved Take Action if you guys are interested you can help, I took part in the MS walk this is my 2nd year doing the walk and I have to say it was worth it they give you a ribbon to put on and a cup it's a really good experience and I don't regret any of it. For my agent of change I was thinking about either doing a fundraiser or giving a presentation to my advisory and just to get people thinking and maybe talking about it and raise some awareness. I have a presentation slide that I made before and I hope you guys check it out. I like doing this part of the project I think that the Agent of change is going to be really interesting and not just my project the entire 9th grade class as well.
Many things still have to be done for the Agent of change, but things are working out well.
This picture is showing the areas where MS can affect your body as you can see its not many but can do lots of damage.
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