unchain the Voice Blog Post 3

​For my  Agent Of Change , I did a presentation for 7th and 8th graders at Cornerstone Christian Academy. I spent lots of time preparing  for the presentation . I made sure that I included everything from my first blog post, to research .. to real life applications , and activities. I believed my Agent Of Change was great and fit my topic to the best of abilities because it the message was specifically targeted towards them . Also  i got two differnt outcomes from the grades. The 8th graders had more a narrow range that the negative term snitvhing was actually a term they used against each other to get them not to speak . Whe i had a potion for them to share out they laughed at some one's experience. So it just  shows how  un educated they were about the topic. I believe the 7th graders did a much greater job with it than 8th grade. I wish i would of done 6 grade too because it seemed like the younger the grade the more input they had and more of an open mind to the topic . I think as i did in my research and interviews that experience can corrupt the mind. It also helps get influeced by other people . The younger the mind the more vunerable it is to information .  My project was on the difference of snitching and speaking out . A lot of kids do not know what it is because they are uneducated on the topic but no one will teach tme because it seems irrelavent in the communities but it is very relavent because what happens is people are teaching kids not to tell the truth and not to speak up . So the brain becomes more corrupt when it does not know which way to go . 

I did not know these things before my final presentation at my old school . I only had a narrow way of thinking . I actually just did research on the computer but no website will hit exactly the root of the problem is . there is no website that describes how this topic tears friends, families, and communities apart. It is time to act now before it corrupts society as a whole . 

I liked my topic very much . It was very important to me because of personal experience and it was very unique but   there were other topics I would want to hit on even though this one was very interesting . i fi had picked another topic, I think that i could of made a bigger impact. This was a big impact but not as big as i wanted it to be . If I had to do this project all over again , I would do a different topic and make sure all my check points were in on time . I would also take many of the pictures on my phone so I would not have to wait or miss pictures because people forgot or did not do as I asked for the pictures. i belive it came out well though as a Semi- organized piroject. I do not think I will continue my  being an agent in this topic but maybe another , one that i could stick to or maybe not one but many. I will be an agent of change forever. 


