Why Teens Should Know About Net Neutrality//Gonzalez-Ortiz

Well first off, net neutrality is that the Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites. So why is this important for teens? Net neutrality is actually very important. Net neutrality is fairly important topic and people around the world are now wanting to learn more about it. Teens are our future’s next generation and technology is becoming  huge part of their lives. Teens today need to know about the internet and how to be safe on it. Teens should know about net neutrality so they can be safe and show other hw to be safe as well.

Net neutrality is here so it can keep all internet equal. This is important for teens to know so they can figure out what side they are on. You can be on Net Neutrality or the FCC. The FCC is the Federal Communications Commission. The FCC is trying to get you to pay more for “faster” internet. But it honestly is not faster. The only thing it does is mess up your internet, It makes the stuff you are trying you do take longer to load and buffer. Net neutrality is trying to stop the FCC, even President Obama is on net neutrality side.

This is an important issue for teens because they are the ones mostly being targeted. They are the ones who are almost always on the internet, it’s their second nature. They need to know what they are doing, how they are doing it, and how is it possible. The FCC  is trying to make you pay more for slower internet while net neutrality wants to make it all fair. This is an important topic and all teens should know about it.

