“Honestly I thought you were really weird from your instagram.” My new friend says.

“Wait, what? Why?” I say confused.

“You’re just super tumblr.”

“What does that mean?”

How am I a website? How do I relate to a popular website at all, I’m a person. I’m known as “That Tumblr Chick.” It somewhat stems from my fashion choices, somewhat from my instagram or twitter, and somewhat how i present myself. Sometimes I dress fashionably, but mostly not to school because that takes too much work. But how does the way I present myself make me the ambassador to a whole website?

If you google “Internet and self esteem” you’ll find thousands of articles from less than reliable sources. There is science proving how it can boost your self esteem, but also impact it negatively. It’s sort of like a high in a way. You feel great about yourself for about 10 minutes after you post some picture that really has no affect to your life. Instagram probably affects my self esteem too much. Modern technology has done worse for my image issues than anything else. The amount of likes my selfies get mean more to me short term than getting an A on a paper or getting 5’s on my standards. That shows how low my self esteem is but also how I value myself

Everything makes me feel bad about myself I guess. There’s always something someone has that I want. Most of the time its appearance or personality wise. There’s always someone prettier than me or more interesting than me. Sometimes I wish I cared more about what I perceive myself as though. My mind is in this constant struggle of caring too little or caring too much and never knowing what I want. I went to private school in 7th and 8th grade and I was always the odd one out. They were all prettier than me and had more money than me, or had nicer parents than me. They had things I desired most of all. I tried to act like I had money and faked confidence left and right. It was nice short term, but then I realized “fake it till you make it” doesn’t really work in the real world. I had a friend who was a professional ice skater and probably the best life situation possible. She had amazing parents, Juicy Couture purses, 12 pairs of ugg boots (not even exaggerating), and she was beautiful. Internally though, this girl was miserable. That’s when I first realized money didn’t buy happiness. No matter what socioeconomic status this girl was at she was never content with herself. The identity she was given did not affect her self esteem in a positive way.

Self esteem and status have so much to do with technology lately. Social media makes you crave some sort of acceptance or identity through these posts that don’t even mean anything. So if I’m tumblr, then what are you?
