Poverty In Philadelphia Part 3
Jamie Turner
5-14-13 Orange Stream
Final Blog Post
Since blog post two a lot of progress has been made with my YATW project. The biggest thing being that I did my Agent of Change part of the project. Also this blog post will be wrapping up my YATW project. On Saturday April 27 and Saturday May 4 my mom and I went to a soup kitchen to help out those who are living in poverty. We also went there to set an example for anyone who wants to make a change in their community. Now I will get into more detail about my agent of change.
My mom and I went to St. Michael’s LutheranChurch two Saturdays in a row. We help set up, Serve food, and clean up. On the 27th there were a lot of people coming for food. After talking to a few people the said that the reason there was so many people was because it was the end of the month and most people’s checks some in at the beginning of the month. When we went on April 27th there was over 100 people served. On May 4th there was about 80 people we served. That is because most people got their checks. Now I am going to talk about this project’s impact on me and the people around me.
This project has impacted me in many different ways. One of them is that I now look at people that are living in poverty or homeless a lot differently. I think that I also made the people around me feel the same sympathy which was my goal. I would say that this task would have been a lot more challenging if I had to arrange something myself. I am more of the someone who likes to collaborate with other people to accomplish a task like the Agent Of Change. In a way I would consider myself a leader because in my community no one really tries to make a change and I feel as though I have set an example for people who are unsure about making a change in our world. In the future I plan on going back to St. Michael’s to do more work so I feel as though this project sparked something new in my life. It definitely changed as it went along.
When I first found out about this project I thought to myself “So all I have to do is some community service then I write about it?” Now I know that this project was meant to be more than that. The project has inspired me to go out, and do good things because I have the power to change and inspire our generation. All it takes is one person then others will follow. That is how my opinion of the YATW project has changed and what I will take from my experiences during the process of this project.
Here are the Links to my other two Blog post and my Bibliography.Blog #1
Blog #2
Annotated Bibliography
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