A flawless Lit Lens
I contributed in brainstorming general ideas for making our video. I also added my thoughts to our analysis on the feminist lens, how the song we chose relates to this lens; as well as helped without the storyboard. Lastly, I recorded myself reading a paragraph from our analysis, which i'm the most proud of. I'm most proud of my contribution in recording for the video because I will usually do anything to not have to show myself in the video. No specific reason why I do this, but i'm proud I got over it.
While working on this project I found that I was able to contribute with a fair amount of equality. I feel that I contributed most on the actual analysis. I was able to come up with good ways of looking at the video through the feminist lens especially. However, I am most proud of the work I contributed while we were brainstorming. Although our project didn’t have a particularly new or interesting theme I felt that I was more able to express ideas than I have been in the past. Our group worked well together and we found ways to use what we had.
I think my largest contribution to the project was suggesting the song, “Flawless.” Along with that, I was able to give creative ideas and write things such as the introduction and conclusion. An accomplishment I had was letting go of some control. Usually, I like to lead group projects, but I decided to not “take control” and let someone else do it. It turned out great because I saw some really amazing leadership skills from my project partners. My group worked well together; we had good communication and fair treatment.
My biggest contribution to the project was creating a part and editing the video. It was a bit stressful and tedious since i ran into multiple errors and I had to recreate the flawless video since we could get the actual video anywhere. My accomplishment working within this group was sticking to the plan and making sure I always had something to do and staying busy even if it was hard to find work. We all worked so well together getting our parts done and turned in on time. We all communicated well and did what we all said we were going to do.
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